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Oracle, the cause of the problem


Wed Jan 24 16:13:14 CST 2018
Thread 2 advanced to log sequence 179922 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 6 seq# mem# 0:179922/oradata oradata/iesdb/iesdb_redo1_6 log
Wed Jan 24 16:14:03 CST 2018
Thread 2 advanced to log sequence 179923 (LGWR switch)
Current log# 4 seq# mem# 0:179923/oradata oradata/iesdb/redo04 log
Wed Jan 24 16:15:42 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_lmon_9368 TRC:
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control01 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information: 35
Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:42 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_lgwr_9403 TRC:
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control01 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information: 1
Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:42 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/udump/iesdb2_ora_10283 TRC:
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control01 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information: 1
Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:42 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_ckpt_9405 TRC:
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control03 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information:
4Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:42 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_lgwr_9403 TRC:
ORA - 00204: the error in reading (block 1, # 1) blocks of the control file
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control01 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information: 1
Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:42 CST 2018
LGWR: terminating the instance due to error 204
Wed Jan 24 16:15:43 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_lmon_9368 TRC:
ORA - 00204: the error in reading (block, 35 # 1) blocks of the control file
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control01 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information: 35
Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:44 CST 2018
The Errors in the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_ckpt_9405 TRC:
ORA - 00204: the error in reading (block 4, # 1) blocks of the control file
ORA - 00202: the control file: '/oradata/oradata/iesdb/control03 CTL'
ORA - 27091: unable to queue I/O
ORA - 27072: the File I/O error
22: Linux - x86_64 Error: Invalid argument
Additional information:
4Additional information:
4Additional information: - 1
Wed Jan 24 16:15:59 CST 2018
The System state dump is made for the local instance
System State dumped to trace the file/usr/appsoft/oracle/admin/iesdb/bdump/iesdb2_diag_9362 TRC
Wed Jan 24 16:16:08 CST 2018
Shutting down the instance (abort)
License high water mark=554
Wed Jan 24 16:16:13 CST 2018
The Instance terminated by LGWR, pid=9403
Wed Jan 24 16:16:13 CST 2018
The Instance terminated by the USER, the pid=27344
Wed Jan 24 16:20:40 CST 2018
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Interface type 1 eth1 configured from OCR for use as a cluster interconnect
Interface type 1 eth0 configured from OCR for use as a public Interface
Picked latch - free SCN scheme 3
Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter value as the default/usr/appsoft/oracle/product/10.2.0 db_1/DBS/arch
SYS auditing is disabled
Ksdpec: called for event 13740 the prior to the event group initialization
Starting up the ORACLE RDBMS Version:
The System parameters with non - the default values:
The processes=800
Spfile=/oradata/oradata/iesdb/spfileiesdb ora