CodePudding user response:
API, find the process, and then to end it,To find a PB to do the task manager, there has been,
CodePudding user response:
Statement APIFunction Long GetCurrentProcessId () Library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Long CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (Long Flags, Long ProcessId) Library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function of Integer Process32First (uLong Snapshot, ref s_Process Process1) Library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function of Integer Process32Next (uLong Snapshot, ref s_Process Process1) Library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function ulong TerminateProcess (long hProcess, ulong uExitCode) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL
"The FUNCTION ulong OpenProcess (ulong dwDesiredAccess, ulong bInheritHandle, ulong dwProcessId) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL
The statement structure
type s_process from structure
Unsignedlong structsize
Unsignedlong usage
Unsignedlong processid
Unsignedlong defaultheapid
Unsignedlong moduleid
Unsignedlong threads
Unsignedlong parentprocessid
Unsignedlong classbase
Unsignedlong flags
Character filename [200]
End type
Call, kill process IEXPLORE. EXE
as_pro='IEXPLORE. EXE'
S_Process lst_Process/structure/process
Ulong ln_Snapshot
String ls_deal_File
IF as_pro='OR isnull (as_pro) Then Return 1
Ln_Snapshot=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (2, 0)//on the heap snapshot creation process
If (ln_Snapshot & lt; 1) then return 1//an error is returned
Lst_Process. StructSize=296//Win32api Process structure size
//the first
If Process32First (ln_Snapshot, lst_Process)=0 then
Return 1//to take the first process failure returns
End the IF
Ls_deal_File=lst_Process. FileName
IF pos (the lower (as_pro), the lower (ls_deal_File)) & gt; 0 Then
If GetCurrentProcessId ()=lst_process. Processid then return//is returned, don't commit suicide
The TerminateProcess (Long (OpenProcess (1, 0, lst_process. Processid)), 1)//read/write/make the Process/Kill Process
End the IF
//the second and later
The do while true//cycle process name listed in the
If Process32Next (ln_Snapshot, lst_Process)=0 then the exit//finished list
Ls_deal_File=lst_Process. FileName
IF pos (the lower (as_pro), the lower (ls_deal_File)) & gt; 0 Then
If GetCurrentProcessId ()=lst_process. Processid then return//is returned, don't commit suicide
The TerminateProcess (Long (OpenProcess (1, 0, lst_process. Processid)), 1)//read/write/make the Process/Kill Process
End the IF
Return 1
CodePudding user response: