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Everyone with several versions of zero.


Suggest you use original concept classic, 12.0

On the winform development I guess it has reached its peak,

Modified perfected many bugs before, on the function and control improved a lot of,

Richtextbox example,

Have been able to save as HTML, doc, RTF, TXT, PDF documents, everyone still use low version of the quick change high version to the

After PB version update, more often sign up on pb.net WPF development,

CodePudding user response:

And a good news!

CodePudding user response:

And a focus on

CodePudding user response:

This is great!

CodePudding user response:

I found in c # can only be saved in RTF format, format may have to do it, actually may be very troublesome,

CodePudding user response:

We would prefer to generate XLS,

CodePudding user response:

Focus on PB

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

I'm out, is still in its 10.5 and 11.5

CodePudding user response:

I was hesitated between the upgrade and upgrade for a long time, finally decided to long pain rather short pain, rose from PB8 to PB12, feel there are still more to improve, to upgrade

CodePudding user response:

Must upgrade, advancing with The Times, winform development later I don't want to improve it's too big,

Was already in the WPF development not achieve them,

CodePudding user response:

Just up to 9, and behind The Times,

CodePudding user response:

Do programmers want more studious,

Chinese programmers were not real programmers, 2 Fan Zi,

PB version update, in front and two in back customer product updates, caught in the middle of is you,

So you want to have to learn to upgrade the development tools, but also to update the development tool developed products,

Whether you are learning c #, or PB, or Delphi, always is not a real programmers, a line is the only foreigners, we just use their tools to do things, so as long as you can make a good product, make money is OK

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster qq53607027 response:
12.0, suggest you use original concept classic

On the winform development I guess it has reached its peak,

Modified perfected many bugs before, on the function and control improved a lot of,

Richtextbox example,

Have been able to save as HTML, doc, RTF, TXT, PDF documents, everyone still use low version of the quick change high version to the

After PB version update, more often sign up on PB. Ne...

An overview of the original concept of 12

Sybase original concept represents a new generation of 12 let a person admire in the heart, have credibility, and enduring development tools, yes, it's very charming, it still has the familiar, the most rapid and easy to build application development environment, and all you need is still using the original concept of skills, but, this release has reached the height of the other versions unrichedunreach, integration with Microsoft Visual Studio Shell foundation as well as fast and powerful original concept and DataWindow? 12 let's conversion technology, the original concept to.net, greatly simplifying the. NET development platform,

What is the content of the surprise under the veil of mystery? Original concept of 12 features and capabilities include:
, architecture in the Visual Studio Shell independent mode of the new infrastructure;
, a full range of WPF;
Fully managed, runtime code;
WPF, DataWindow;
Who support WCF;
Open and supported supported RDBMS, also can through the ODBC, JDBC or OLE DB access in fact all the DBMS;

Now let's see 12 new functions and features of the original concept,

CodePudding user response:

Sybase 12 is a real technical innovation original concept, here, we will provide
Show you why it is since the original concept genesis to one of the biggest breakthrough, no doubt
Please note that in this article, we discuss is the Beta version of the product, so the feature
Can should change,
Introduction to
Sybase original concept represents a new generation of 12 let a person admire in the heart, have credibility, and enduring development tools, yes, it's very charming, it still
With familiar, the most rapid and simple construct application development environment, and all you need is still using the original concept of skills, but this
Release has reached the height of the other versions unrichedunreach, integrates the Visual Studio Shell foundation as well as the rapid and powerful original concept
And DataWindow (R) technology, the original concept of 12 let's switch to. NET, greatly simplifies the. NET development platform,
What is the content of the surprise under the veil of mystery? Original concept of 12 features and capabilities include: architecture in the Visual Studio Shell standalone mode on the new infrastructure, a full range of fully managed code WPF WPF runtime support DataWindow WCF open and support the RDBMS, also can through the ODBC, JDBC or OLE DB access in fact all the DBMS
Now let's see 12 new functions and features of the original concept,

The original concept and Visual Studio Shell
What is the Visual Studio Shell?
In 2007, Microsoft has announced the Visual Studio Shell is available for free to use software manufacturers, the Shell is a modified version of the Visual Studio IDE,
To imitate the Eclipse development environment, can be plug and play of infrastructure to support the development of customized tools, the Shell's key advantage is its branch
The developers to quickly build their own development components or separate development tools, do not need to build the whole IDE, by using the Visual Studio Shell, independent software open
Send personnel to focus on their core capabilities to significantly reduce development time, without having to build and maintain a set of underlying architecture,
The Visual Studio Shell has two modes: the integration mode and independent mode, integration mode support in its application to build and install the same computer
On any version of Visual Studio automatically merge, that is to say, in the same application environment, under the mode of integrated development tool is treated as a
Plug-in, on the other hand, the independent model through independent operation of the IDE the Shell to facilitate application development framework, in fact, as a development environment using a
Points, independent mode provides customized, configurable, and to the brand of the Visual Studio Shell,
The original concept and Visual Studio Shell independent mode
Due to the original concept is mainly used in Microsoft's Windows platform application development, so the original concept and current Microsoft's technical and a similar
To route is reasonable, in the Visual Studio Shell independent mode to build on the original concept of 12 on the technology and function are related to Visual Studio
Shell to keep the synchronization, the original concept using the Visual Studio Shell independent model as the basis of the lower structure, so the support original concept using the
Have Visual Studio's built-in function, and can let our engineers, pay more attention to build advanced different techniques, the DataWindow, for example, the
Means that we can concentrate on original concept to be good at play the incisively and vividly: abstraction. NET development and make it faster, better,
Sybase new version of the original concept has the original concept, award-winning efficiency, at the same time build in Visual Studio Shell frame, are not
Become a Visual Studio plug-in, original concept now and in the future are independent and Visual Studio tools; The two IDE can at the same time in a developing
Coexist on a computer, in addition, the application development also need not use two sets of IDE, original concept developers do not need to use or purchase Visual Studio will
To continue the original concept developed in-house, and use the familiar environment and enjoy the incomparable efficiency,

CodePudding user response:

The Visual Studio Shell into the original concept, the core functionality of Sybase can use Visual Studio, and can use the original concept of the core work
To provide the best development tools, to become the most efficient tool on the market now and in the future, in addition, because the original concept will Shell as the foundation frame
, so when Microsoft Visual Studio Shell when adding new features, original concept can easily integrate them to subsequent release, it includes move
Moving target (mobile target), modeling, such as M/Oslo, Team Foundation Server functions, including Silverlight,
The Visual Studio Shell bring to original concept?
The Visual Studio Shell provides an important collection of functions as the original concept, in addition to the core of IDE features, such as command, tools and window frame, Shell
Also included the original concept can use component features, including the WPF designer, Visual Studio Shell as the original concept of additional feature pack
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