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PostgreSQL, question screen: Acquistion Attempt Failed!!!!!! Clearing the pending acquires...


Acquistion Attempt Failed!!!!!! Clearing the pending acquires. While trying to acquire a men new resource, we failed to succeed more than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts (30).


This ResultSet is closed.


1, database not connected, check the database configuration;

2, the network is not stable, database alternately connected and disconnected;

3, the upper limit of users to configure cause even not:

Through the database connection tool Navicat (or other tools), in the database query "the current number of connections" and "maximum number of connections allowed", SQL is as follows:

Show the count (*) from pg_stat_activity; - queries the current number of connections

Show max_connections. Maximum number of connections - query

(can also view the postgresql configuration file for the maximum number of connections: postgresql. Auto. Conf and postgresql. Conf)

4, the database driver and database version does not match the cause;

If your project is maven to manage depend on the package, you can modify database driven dependency in the maven packages, use the high version (to match the database version) depend on the package,

The actual screen:

Project and database deployment in the same set of servers, there is no network problem; So I just check the database connection number problem, the current connection number 9, maximum number of connections allowed 2000; So I checked the database version, and drive, found the database version is higher, and the driver is lower, I changed the high version of the driver, has been resolved,

The hope can help you!
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Author: Walter, Sun
Source: CSDN
Original: https://blog.csdn.net/Soul_Programmer_Swh/article/details/85319330
Copyright statement: this article original articles for bloggers, reproduced please attach link to blog!