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Original concept 12.5 beta out, everybody a try!


Original concept 12.5 beta out, everybody a try! Simple looked at 12.5 increase function, the feeling is very good, everybody try, officially released version is heard of the 3rd quarter,
Beta address: http://www.sybase.com/powerbuilder125beta

CodePudding user response:

Download to see!

CodePudding user response:

The good news

CodePudding user response:

Pb12.5 win32 way also support the dw in user - drawn, below is the online help file user - drawn Controls in DataWindow Objects:

The Paint expression functions provides allows you to draw objects in The DataWindow to as polygons, arrow tips, pie slices, and so on.
The Paint expression function takes one string expression argument and returns The same string. This allows you to Paint inside a DataWindow in a way that respects The position and z - The order of other DataWindow objects.


Paint (expr) where expr can be any valid DataWindow expression. It should contain a function call to a drawing global function with rendering logic. If expris a string expression and the value is not null, the Computed Field renders the evaluated string expression.
This feature also provides the following supporting functions provides:

? GetPaintDC ()
? GetPaintRectX ()
? GetPaintRectY ()
? GetPaintRectWidth ()
? GetPaintRectHeight ()

GetPaintDC () returns the GDI context to which the to the draw. The clip region of the GDI context is guaranteed to be the same as the rectangle defined by the other functions provides.
GetPaintRectY GetPaintRectX (), (), GetPaintRectWidth (), and GetPaintRectWidth () return the bounds of the computed field. The device context is clipped the within these bounds. Example This Example instantiates the drawing functions provides and, if the drawing function returns false, the text "Bail out" displays.





Getpaintdc (),

Getpaintrectx (),

Getpaintrecty (),

Getpaintrectwidth (),

Getpaintrectheight (),

Getrow () * 100/rowcount ()





If (MyDrawPieSlice (getpaintdc ()), ""," Bail out ")


Which people give directions, how to use paint function in the win32 dw
Draw a polygon, arrowed line, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

You can try

CodePudding user response:

1 the Window Control Value and Transparent Transparency Property
2 Sharing Datasources with the.net
3 the RTF and Images in the DataWindow Object
4 the User - Drawn Controls in DataWindow Objects

This is supported by the win32
1 AutoWidth Property
2 the Support for the Tab Order, Enabled, and Show the Focus Rectangle Properties
3 Support for New ASE 15.5 Datatypes
This is win32 and.net support

12.5 a desirable, ha ha

CodePudding user response:

Good thing,

CodePudding user response:

12.1 also is not very perfect, all the patch is still have problem,

CodePudding user response:

Provide examples of user - drawn sybase, thank you very much, share with everyone, CSDN on how to add attachments? Provide your email address needs to friends,

CodePudding user response:

Well, give it a try

CodePudding user response:

Not to say that bring their own skin? Pb itself is too ugly,

CodePudding user response:

Pb.net with skin, personal opinion, Windows 7 and vista platform, design of interface simple, not ugly, had bought the skin tool, has been useless,

CodePudding user response:

With pb to.net efficiency is too slow

CodePudding user response:

I personally think pb dot.net is a waste, abandon the pb is inevitable boland don't give up yet

CodePudding user response:

The version number is changing fast, didn't think it is too big

CodePudding user response:

On the 14th floor glint
reference response:
version number change fast, didn't think there are too much meaning


Let's take a look at than PB12 programming (c/s) something more:

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Animation. Integer transparency
The checkbox. Integer transparency
Commandbutton. Integer transparency
Datawindow. Integer transparency
Datepicker. Integer transparency
Dragobject. Integer transparency
Dropdownlistbox. Integer transparency
Dropdownpicturelistbox. Integer transparency
Editmask. Integer transparency
Graph. Integer transparency
Groupbox. Integer transparency
Hprogressbar. Integer transparency
Hscrollbar. Integer transparency
Htrackbar. Integer transparency
Inkedit. Integer transparency
Inkpicture. Integer transparency
Listbox. Integer transparency
Listview. Integer transparency
Monthcalendar. Integer transparency
Multilineedit. Integer transparency
Olecontrol. Integer transparency
Olecustomcontrol. Integer transparency
Omcontrol. Integer transparency
Omcustomcontrol. Integer transparency
Omembeddedcontrol. Integer transparency
Picture. The integer transparency
Picturebutton. Integer transparency
Picturehyperlink. Integer transparency
Picturelistbox. Integer transparency
Radiobutton. Integer transparency
Richtextedit. Integer transparency
Singlelineedit. Integer transparency
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