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angular 13 - insert incoming json object into model


With angular, I am getting data as follows through the api. Everything works very well, but I cannot place the incoming json object into the model. I can't find where I made a mistake. Can you provide support?

 export class DialogBoxComponent implements OnInit {
   workflows: WorkflowListModel[] = [];

    public workflowService: WorkflowListService
  ) {

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.workflowService.getWorkflowDefinitions().subscribe(data => {
      this.workflows = data.items;



public getWorkflowDefinitions(){
  let api = `${this.apiUrl}/services/workflows`;
  return this.httpClient.get<{items: WorkflowListModel[]}>(api).pipe(tap(x =>{
    this.loading = false;


export class WorkflowListModel {
  id: string | any;
  definitionId: string | any;
  name: string | any;
  displayName: string | any;
  description: string | any;
  version: number | any;
  persistenceBehavior: string | any;
  isPublished: string | any;
  isLatest: string | any;


        "id": "fb40d5c146644e58b05e2cb573409bbc",
        "definitionId": "336507c20553401f85d3b2b4e11a562c",
        "name": "demand",
        "displayName": "demand",
        "description": "demand",
        "version": 1,
        "isSingleton": false,
        "persistenceBehavior": "Suspended",
        "isPublished": true,
        "isLatest": true


<input type="text" placeholder="{{action}}" matInput [formControl]="myControl"
<mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">
  <mat-option *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions" [value]="option">

enter image description here

this way a json object comes and i can access the items in this object

  "items": [
        "id": "fb40d5c146644e58b05e2cb573409bbc",
        "definitionId": "336507c20553401f85d3b2b4e11a562c",
        "name": "demand",
        "displayName": "demand",
        "description": "demand",
        "version": 1,
        "isSingleton": false,
        "persistenceBehavior": "Suspended",
        "isPublished": true,
        "isLatest": true
  "totalCount": 1

CodePudding user response:

I'll start off by saying you have quite a strange implementation.

This goes in your component :

public workflows: WorkflowListModel[] = [];

constructor(private workflowService: WorkflowListService) {

ngOnInit(): void {
        (data: WorkflowListModel[]) => this.workflows = data
  1. The service should not be public, you should not be able to access it from the HTML template, only from the component.
  2. I would've created a private function that would get the workflows and call that function in the ngOnInit()
  3. You might want to do error handling in case of an error

This goes in your service :

public getWorkflowDefinitions(): Observable<WorkflowListModel[]> {
    return this.httpClient.get<WorkflowListModel[]>(`${this.apiUrl}/services/workflows`);
  1. I used observables so you can retrieve the object type, again you had a strange implementation that I have never seen before
  2. You were esentially retrieving an object of type any since you didn't specified anything
  3. Why bother creating a variable with the API URL when you are only using it once?

This goes in your model class

export class WorkflowListModel {

   public id: any;
   public definitionId: any;
   public name: any;
   public displayName: any;
   public description: any;
   public version: any;
   public persistenceBehavior: any;
   public isPublished: any;
   public isLatest: any;

   constructor() {

any means any type, so string | any it's pretty much useless, but I wouldn't use any since most likely there are only numbers and strings that you are working it

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