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Who is the client automatically update program, how to do? To complete code


Who is the client automatically update program, how to do? To complete code, thank you

CodePudding user response:

Program automatic updating pb8

The program automatically update

Layer structure of the program to implement the workstation automatically update

CodePudding user response:

This is what ah, I want to PB client program automatic updates,

CodePudding user response:

Hello, I want to know how to get the local file date and the date of the corresponding files on the server both compare, please expert help, thank you

CodePudding user response:

http://www.sybasebbs.com/forum.php? Mod=viewthread& Tid=2767 & amp; Extra=page % 3 d1
Consult, is based on version control, not according to date,

CodePudding user response:

PB client program can be automatically upgrade

C/s applications to automatically update

Other oneself see
http://www.hur.cn/Soft/Search.asp? C9 SoftName=% % % % FD BC B6 & amp; X=33 & amp; Y=5
http://www.hur.cn/Soft/Search.asp? ModuleName=Soft& Every=0 & amp; SpecialID=0 & amp; C9 SoftName=% % % % FD BC B6 & amp; page=2

CodePudding user response:

I want to know how to get the local file date and the date of the corresponding files on the server both compare, please expert help, thank you

CodePudding user response:

The following objects can pick up (or set) file was last modified time
Global type n_cst_liveupdate from nonvisualobject
End type
Type os_filedatetime from structure within n_cst_liveupdate
End type
Type os_fileopeninfo from structure within n_cst_liveupdate
End type
Type os_finddata from structure within n_cst_liveupdate
End type
Type os_securityattributes from structure within n_cst_liveupdate
End type
Type os_systemtime from structure within n_cst_liveupdate
End type
End forward

Type os_filedatetime from structure
Unsignedlong ul_lowdatetime
Unsignedlong ul_highdatetime
End type

Type os_fileopeninfo from structure
Character c_length
Character c_fixed_disk
Unsignedinteger ui_dos_error
Unsignedinteger ui_na1
Unsignedinteger ui_na2
Character c_pathname [128]
End type

Type os_finddata from structure
Unsignedlong ul_fileattributes
Os_filedatetime str_creationtime
Os_filedatetime str_lastaccesstime
Os_filedatetime str_lastwritetime
Unsignedlong ul_filesizehigh
Unsignedlong ul_filesizelow
Unsignedlong ul_reserved0
Unsignedlong ul_reserved1
Character ch_filename [260]
Character ch_alternatefilename [14]
End type

Type os_securityattributes from structure
Unsignedlong ul_length
String ch_description
Boolean b_inherit
End type

Type os_systemtime from structure
Unsignedinteger ui_wyear
Unsignedinteger ui_wmonth
Unsignedinteger ui_wdayofweek
Unsignedinteger ui_wday
Unsignedinteger ui_whour
Unsignedinteger ui_wminute
Unsignedinteger ui_wsecond
Unsignedinteger ui_wmilliseconds
End type

Global type n_cst_liveupdate from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate
End type

The type as
//get the application name
//Function uint GetModuleFileNameA (ulong hModule, ref string lpFilename, ulong nSize) Library "kernel32. DLL"//access application running directory

//file operations
The Function long FindFirstFileA (ref string filename, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean FindNextFileA (long handle, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean FindClose (long handle) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function long OpenFile (ref string filename, ref os_fileopeninfo of_struct, ulong action) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean CloseHandle (long file_hand) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean GetFileTime (long hFile, ref os_filedatetime lpCreationTime, ref os_filedatetime lpLastAccessTime, ref os_filedatetime lpLastWriteTime) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean FileTimeToSystemTime (ref os_filedatetime lpFileTime, ref os_systemtime lpSystemTime) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean FileTimeToLocalFileTime (ref os_filedatetime lpFileTime, ref os_filedatetime lpLocalFileTime) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean SetFileTime (long hFile, os_filedatetime lpCreationTime, os_filedatetime lpLastAccessTime, os_filedatetime lpLastWriteTime) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean SystemTimeToFileTime (os_systemtime lpSystemTime, ref os_filedatetime lpFileTime) library "kernel32. DLL
"The Function Boolean LocalFileTimeToFileTime (ref os_filedatetime lpLocalFileTime, ref os_filedatetime lpFileTime) library "kernel32. DLL
End as
The type variables

End the variables

Forward as
The public function integer of_convertfiledatetimetopb (os_filedatetime astr_filetime, ref date ad_filedate, ref time at_filetime)
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