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List all students with pass or fail


I have table structure like this


Id Student name


Id Subject name
1 Subject1
2 Subject2


student_id subject_id marks
1 1 35
1 2 34
2 1 54
2 2 42

Requirement is like, list all students with Pass (>=35 marks in all subject) or Fail (<35 marks in any subject) status. Any suggestion ?

Not sure what to add to if condition

select student.id, student.name, 'status (if marks.marks >= 35, Pass, Fail)'
from student
inner join marks on marks.student_id = student.id

Expected output

student_id student_name status
1 AAAA Fail
2 BBBB Pass

CodePudding user response:

Join Student to Marks and group by student.
Then use a CASE expression that checks the min marks of each student to get the status:

SELECT s.id student_id, s.student_name, 
       CASE WHEN MIN(m.marks) >= 35 THEN 'Pass' ELSE 'Fail' END status
FROM Student s INNER JOIN Marks m
ON m.student_id = s.id
GROUP BY s.id;

I assume that id is the primary key of the table Student.
If not, change the GROUP BY clause to:

GROUP BY s.id, s.student_name

See the demo

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