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Find Range Based on Interior.ColorIndex - Improve Performance


I've written this code to find squared Range spoted with a back ground color.

My problem is that it thakes 4 or 5 seconds to execute on a large range of 36000 row x 8 columns.

Do you have suggestions to improve and speed the code quoted below ?

Function RegionColoree(cel As Range)

i = 0
ii = 0
j = 0
jj = 0

Set cel = cel.Resize(1, 1)

If Not cel.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then

    Do While cel.Offset(i).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers le bas
        i = i   1
    Do While cel.Offset(ii).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers le haut
        ii = ii - 1
    Do While cel.Offset(, j).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers la droite
        j = j   1
    Do While cel.Offset(, jj).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers la gauche
        jj = jj - 1
    ii = ii   1
    jj = jj   1
    RegionColoree = cel.Offset(ii, jj).Resize(i - ii, j - jj).Address
End If

End Function

CodePudding user response:

Range Address of a Colored Rectangle

  • For a given cell, if its color index is different than xlNone, it will search in all four directions to find a cell with the color index xlnone and use the next cell (top or left) or the previous cell (bottom or right) to return the address of the colored rectangle.
  • It is assumed that there is a colored rectangle around the given colored cell.
  • To better understand it, select a range and color it in red. Then use the function with any cell inside the range and see the result.
  • See the sub-results of the function's Debug.Print lines in the Immediate window (Ctrl G).
Option Explicit

Sub GetColoredRegionAddressTEST()
    Debug.Print GetColoredRegion(Range("M50000"))
End Sub

Function GetColoredRegionAddress(ByVal RandomCell As Range) As String
    Application.FindFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    With RandomCell.Cells(1)
        If .Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then Exit Function
        Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = .Worksheet
        Dim cell As Range, fCell As Range, lCell As Range
        ' First Cell Row
        With ws.Cells(1, .Column).Resize(.Row - 1)
            Debug.Print .Address(0, 0)
            Set cell = .Find(What:="", After:=.Cells(1), _
                SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchFormat:=True)
            If cell Is Nothing Then Set fCell = .Cells _
            Else Set fCell = cell.Offset(1)
        End With
        ' First Cell (Column)
        With ws.Cells(.Row, 1).Resize(, .Column - 1)
            Debug.Print .Address(0, 0)
            Set cell = .Find(What:="", After:=.Cells(1), _
                SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchFormat:=True)
            If cell Is Nothing Then Set fCell = ws.Cells(fCell.Row, .Column) _
            Else Set fCell = ws.Cells(fCell.Row, cell.Offset(, 1).Column)
        End With
        Debug.Print fCell.Address
        ' Last Cell Row
        With .Resize(ws.Rows.Count - .Row).Offset(1)
            Debug.Print .Address(0, 0)
            Set cell = .Find(What:="", After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
            If cell Is Nothing Then Set lCell = .Cells _
            Else Set lCell = cell.Offset(-1)
        End With
        ' Last Cell (Column)
        With .Resize(, ws.Columns.Count - .Column).Offset(, 1)
            Debug.Print .Address(0, 0)
            Set cell = .Find(What:="", After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
            If cell Is Nothing Then Set lCell = ws.Cells(lCell.Row, .Column) _
            Else Set lCell = ws.Cells(lCell.Row, cell.Offset(, -1).Column)
        End With
        Debug.Print lCell.Address
        GetColoredRegionAddress = ws.Range(fCell, lCell).Address
    End With

End Function

CodePudding user response:

Read: Optimize VBA Code for performance improvement. Turning off Application.ScreenUpdating and setting Application.Calculation will greatly improve he speed.

Function RegionColoree(cel As Range)
    Dim CalculationMode As XlCalculation
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    CalculationMode = Application.Calculation
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    i = 0
    ii = 0
    j = 0
    jj = 0

    Set cel = cel.Resize(1, 1)

    If Not cel.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then

        Do While cel.Offset(i).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers le bas
            i = i   1
        Do While cel.Offset(ii).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers le haut
            ii = ii - 1
        Do While cel.Offset(, j).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers la droite
            j = j   1
        Do While cel.Offset(, jj).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone 'vers la gauche
            jj = jj - 1
        ii = ii   1
        jj = jj   1
        RegionColoree = cel.Offset(ii, jj).Resize(i - ii, j - jj).Address
    End If
    Application.Calculation = CalculationMode
End Function

CodePudding user response:

You don't mention whether there could be more than one square range of coloured cells. Assuming there is, and the cell passed into your function is within your desired coloured square range, then you might find the FindFormat function is quicker. The trick would be to find the clear cell limits of your square.

Code would look something like this:

Public Function ColouredCellRange(rng As Range) As Range
    Dim r(1) As Long, c(1) As Long
    On Error GoTo EH
    'Exit if cell isn't coloured.
    If rng.Interior.Color = xlNone Then Exit Function
    'Set the find format parameters.
    With Application.FindFormat
        .Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    End With

    'Find the left and right columns and top and bottom rows.
    With Sheet1.Cells
        c(0) = .Find(What:="", After:=rng, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
            xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:= _
            False, SearchFormat:=True).Column
        r(0) = .Find(What:="", After:=rng, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
            xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:= _
            False, SearchFormat:=True).Row
        c(1) = .Find(What:="", After:=rng, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
            xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
            False, SearchFormat:=True).Column
        r(1) = .Find(What:="", After:=rng, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
            xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
            False, SearchFormat:=True).Row
    End With
    With Sheet1
        'Test if square is on the edge of the sheet.
        If c(0) > rng.Column Then c(0) = 1 Else c(0) = c(0)   1
        If r(0) > rng.Row Then r(0) = 1 Else r(0) = r(0)   1
        If c(1) < rng.Column Then c(1) = .Columns.Count Else c(1) = c(1) - 1
        If r(1) < rng.Row Then r(1) = .Rows.Count Else r(1) = r(1) - 1
        'Return the square range.
        Set ColouredCellRange = .Range(.Cells(r(0), c(0)), .Cells(r(1), c(1)))
    End With
    Exit Function
End Function
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