I built a VBA Sub that matches an input string with the equivalent string within a large array and returns a specific string which is bounded to the matched string.
However, while the code is working well with some 100 entries, around 12sec. Around 1000 entries take 1min and 1500 entries might take 3min.
So, I was wondering if there anything I could improve to make the code run faster with a large amount of entries.
The VBA Function:
Sub searchISIN()
Dim StartTime As Double
StartTime = Timer
lRow = getlastrow(ws_universe, 1)
Dim rngISIN As Range: Set rngISIN = ws_universe.Range("A2:A" & lRow)
Dim z As Long: z = 1
Dim i As Long: i = 1
Dim j As Long
For Each cell In rngISIN
z = z 1
For j = LBound(MatchingArr) To UBound(MatchingArr)
If InStr(1, CStr(MatchingArr(j)), CStr(cell.Value), vbTextCompare) Then
ws_universe.Cells(z, 2).Value = Left(MatchingArr(j), 18)
i = i 1
GoTo NextIteration
End If
Next j
ws_universe.Cells(z, 2).Value = "k.A."
i = i 1
Next cell
MsgBox "Search ISINs: " & Format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
The array that gets parsed has around 150k entries and each entry is a string which looks like the following:
"IID00XXXXXXXXXXXX|Magna International Inc.|US55922PF576;US559222AQ72;CA559222AT14;US559222AV67;US55922PRV75;US55922PF329;CA5592224011;XS1689185426;US55922PUW12;US559222AR55"
The code takes an input string, for example CA559222AT14, uses the built-in InStr function and returns the first 18 characters of the current array entry. In this example the return value would be "IID00XXXXXXXXXXXX"
I'm open for any idea to improve the code runtime. There are no constrains, rearranging the array layout, rearranging the complete code or whatsoever.
CodePudding user response:
Looping Through Arrays Instead of Ranges
- Not tested. It will fail if
is less than 3.
Option Explicit
Sub searchISIN()
Dim StartTime As Double: StartTime = Timer
lRow = getlastrow(ws_universe, 1)
Dim rngISIN As Range: Set rngISIN = ws_universe.Range("A2:A" & lRow)
Dim aData As Variant: aData = rngISIN.Value
Dim bData As Variant: bData = rngISIN.EntireRow.Columns("B").Value
Dim aOffset As Long: aOffset = 1 - LBound(MatchingArr)
Dim aIndex As Variant
Dim a As Long
Dim i As Long: i = 1
For a = 1 To UBound(aData, 1)
aIndex = Application.Match("*" & CStr(aData(a, 1)) & "*", MatchingArr, 0)
If IsNumeric(aIndex) Then
bData(a, 1).Value = Left(MatchingArr(aIndex - aOffset), 18)
i = i 1
bData(a, 1) = "k.A."
i = i 1
End If
Next a
rngISIN.EntireRow.Columns("B").Value = bData
MsgBox "Search ISINs: " & Format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
Sub searchISINFirst()
Dim StartTime As Double: StartTime = Timer
lRow = getlastrow(ws_universe, 1)
Dim rngISIN As Range: Set rngISIN = ws_universe.Range("A2:A" & lRow)
Dim aData As Variant: aData = rngISIN.Value
Dim bData As Variant: bData = rngISIN.EntireRow.Columns("B").Value
Dim a As Long
Dim i As Long: i = 1
Dim j As Long
Dim jFound As Boolean
For a = 1 To UBound(aData, 1)
For j = LBound(MatchingArr) To UBound(MatchingArr)
If InStr(1, CStr(MatchingArr(j)), CStr(aData(a, 1)), vbTextCompare) Then
bData(a, 1).Value = Left(MatchingArr(j), 18)
i = i 1
jFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If jFound Then
jFound = False
bData(a, 1) = "k.A."
i = i 1
End If
Next a
rngISIN.EntireRow.Columns("B").Value = bData
MsgBox "Search ISINs: " & Format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
CodePudding user response: