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How to get new generated url after using clickElement function from RSelenium package


I would like to know how to get a url after using the clickElement function from R's RSelenium package. Here's an example:

rD <- rsDriver(browser = c("chrome"), 
               chromever = "98.0.4758.102", 
               #extraCapabilities = list(chromeOptions = list(args = list("--headless"))),
               port = 4580L)

driver <- rD[["client"]]

urll <- "https://www.zapimoveis.com.br/venda/fazendas-sitios-chacaras/ms campo-grande/?pagina=1"

linkimovdescr <- driver$findElement(using = "xpath",

Here's the question! How to get the address "https://www.zapimoveis.com.br/imovel/venda-fazenda-sitio-chacara-parque-do-sol-campo-grande-ms-240m2-id-2531139106/"

Note: The linkimovdescr$getCurrentUrl() or driver$getCurrentUrl() command does not answer my question, as it keeps pointing to the home page.

Thanks for any help.

CodePudding user response:

As new tab opens when you click the item, thus we need to switch tabs in order to get url.

1.Clicking the item

linkimovdescr <- driver$findElement(using = "xpath",

2.Now get the list of all the tabs by getWindowHandles

df =  driver$getWindowHandles()

3.Now switch to the second tab


4.Get the url,

[1] "https://www.zapimoveis.com.br/imovel/venda-fazenda-sitio-chacara-zona-rural-campo-grande-ms-30000m2-id-2552129433/"
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