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CodePudding user response:

Sure you want to function (function) is used to implement?

CodePudding user response:


The CREATE FUNCTION [dbo] fn_Shortage ()

RETURNS the @ tblShortage TABLE (so varchar (20),
The name nvarchar (20),
Fqty int,
Owe int)

; With cte_Inventory as (
Select 'TS - 1' as the so, N 'relay' as the name, 100 as fqty union
TX - SELECT '0' as so, N 'hard' as the name, 2 as fqty),
Cte_IssueMaterial as (
Select 'TS - 1' as the so, N 'relay' as the name, 200 as fqty union
SELECT 'TF - 2' as so, N 'relay' as the name, 300 as fqty)

INSERT INTO @ tblShortage
The Select a.s o, a.n ame, a.f qty, (isnull (b. qty, 0) - a.f qty) as' owe materials'
The From cte_IssueMaterial a
Left the Join cte_Inventory b on a.s o=b.s o




Select * From [dbo] fn_Shortage ()

CodePudding user response:

This is only an example, the actual database data quantity is very large
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