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Can't find files inside volume mount directory


I have an mysql container I'm deploying through k8s in which I am mounting a directory which contains a script, once the pod is up and running the plan is to execute that script.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   replicas: 1
           - name: mysql-stuff
                path: /home/myapp/scripts
                type: Directory
           - name: mysql-db
             image: mysql:latest
               - name: mysql-stuff
                 mountPath: /scripts/

Once I have it up and running and run kubectl exec -it mysql-db -- bin/sh and ls scripts it returns nothing and the script that should be inside it is not there and I can't work out why.. For the sake of getting this working I have added no security context and am running the container as root. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

Since you are running your pod in a minikube cluster. Minikube itself is running in a VM , so the path mapping here implies the path of minikube VMs not your actual host.

However you can map your actual host path to the minikube path and then it will become accessible.

minikube mount /home/myapp/scripts:/home/myapp/scripts

See more here https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/mount/

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