So I'm working in Google Sheets using Apps Script, on a spreadsheet that has 4 tabs. Names are: "Testing Plan","Blue Test Catalog", "Red Test Catalog", "Green Test Catalog".
On the Catalog Tabs, I want the Leads to go in, and click all the checkboxes for all the tests that need to be completed. So Blue Lead reviews and assigns all the Blue Tests from the Blue Test Catalog, and Red/Green Leads do the same. Once each person has checked all their boxes, they click a button on their sheet "Add To Plan".
All of the checked boxes and their rows from their tab are then copied over to the Testing Plan tab, under the corresponding Test Section (Blue Tests, Red Tests, Green Tests). So I have one neat doc that lists all the tests in one place by their category.
The trick is, I need the code to be able to insert enough blank rows under each section to accommodate the list of items being copied over from each section.
I then want to be able to clear the doc and "reset it" back to how it looks now, as needed (via button click).
I'm not good at coding - its not a normal part of my job. But I've been able to piece some things together over the years based on my google searching and this website, so I thought I'd reach out for help. I unfortunately don't even have any sample code to work off of. I've spent 2 full days attempting this and keep deleting. I've managed to at least write a script to copy and paste a range based on whichever button/sheet location I'm at, but it copies to the bottom of the page. I can't figure out how to do a list filter based on checkbox value being TRUE, and then only copy and paste those values. And then I'll need to figure out how to have the code search and match 'Blue Tests' from the Blue Test Catalog tab with the word 'Blue Tests' on the Test Planning Tab and paste 4 rows down from that, inserting new rows as needed to ensure no overwriting.
Any help would be appreciated.
something possible to do to split the formula in 5 packages