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Powershell regex- how to avoid commented blocks


I have several regular expression blocks that parse a c file for certain info. I'm trying to change my regex so that it avoids the commented blocks. The code that still captures the commented block is:

Function Get-CaseContents{
  Param ( [string]$parsedCaseMethod, [string]$basePathFull)
      # split into separate "case" blocks.
      # (the funky "(?=...)" preserves the delimiter)
      $blocks = $parsedCaseMethod -split "(?=case (.*):)";

      $pattern = `
      "(?<sdkErr>[x\d] )"  
      "\((?<sdkDesc>(. ?)`")\)"  

      # note - skip first block as it's the preamble before the first "if"
      $result = $blocks `
      | select-object -skip 1 `
      | select-string -pattern $pattern `
      | foreach-object {
          $match = $_.Matches[0];
          $tmp_removeParen = $match.Groups['sdkDesc'] -replace '\(|\)|%s|\"',"."
          [PSCustomObject] [ordered] @{
              "sdkErr"      = $($match.Groups['sdkErr'])
              "sdkDesc"     = $($tmp_removeParen)
              "sdkOutErr"   = $($match.Groups['sdkOutErr'])
              "sdkSeverity" = ($match.Groups['sdkSeverity'] -split '_')[-1]
      return $result 

  }#End of Process
}#End of Function 

That gets all of the targeted contents plus the commented blocks, which I want to avoid. The c code that is being parsed looks like this:

            _stprintf(outDevStr, _T("2000 - (Shortage issue) - %s(Shortage)"), errorStr);
            outError = HOP_SHORTAGE;
            outSeverity = CCC_INFORMATION;

// New Error codes(really old errors broken out with unique error codes) - not all have this line
        //case kRESULT_STATUS_User_CoverOpenErr:    //comment here  
        //  _stprintf( outDevStr, _T("2900 - (Cover Open) - %s(Upper cover open.)"), errorStr);
        //  outError    = HOP_COVER_OPEN;
        //  outSeverity = CCC_INFORMATION;
        //  break;

I tried changing the first part with the split to this, but it makes it return no results. I feel like if I just figure out how to not include a case block that is commented on the case line, it will fix everything.

$blocks = $parsedCaseMethod -split "(?=^[\s] case (.*):)"; #didn't work - nothing in $result

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! :)

This is with Powershell 5.1 and VS Code.

CodePudding user response:

The simplest approach is probably to eliminate all comment lines in a first step, before splitting:

$blocks = $parsedCaseMethod -replace '(?m)^\s*//.*' -split '(?=case (.*):)'


  • To keep the regex simple, the above effectively replaces the comment lines with empty lines (it does, however, remove empty and all-whitespace lines preceding a comment line). If you want to avoid that, use -replace '(?m)^\s*//.*(?:\r?\n)?'

  • The assumption is that your C code doesn't contain multi-line comments (/* ... */), and no //-prefixed lines inside C 11 raw string literals.

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