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Parse string to convert time in hours, minutes and seconds to only seconds


YouTube video durations are given in the form PT1H15M9S.

I need to parse this string to convert the duration to seconds.

I tried the following code:

import re

def to_seconds(string=None):
    if 'H' in string:
        h = string.index('H')
        if ''
        m = string.index('M')
        secs = re.sub('[^0-9]','',string[-3:])
        mins = re.sub('[^0-9]','',string[m-2:m 1])
        hours = re.sub('[^0-9]','',string[h-2:h 1])
    elif 'M' in string:
        m = string.index('M')
        secs = re.sub('[^0-9]','',string[-3:])
        mins = re.sub('[^0-9]','',string[m-2:m 1])
        hours = 0
        secs = re.sub('[^0-9]','',string[-3:])
        mins, hours = 0, 0
    return int(hours) * 60 * 60   int(mins) * 60   int(secs)

However, this code does not always work because there are strings that contain hours but not minutes or seconds and so on.

For example PT1H15S, or PT1H, or PT12H4M.

How can I get this code to work in such cases?

CodePudding user response:

Sample and explanation of terms: https://regex101.com/r/l8cNAP/2


r"PT(?:(?P<h>\d )H)?(?:(?P<m>\d )M)?(?:(?P<s>\d )S)?"

Query the resulting matchobject/dict with 0 as default if key is missing

CodePudding user response:

import re

apiDuration = 'PT1H15M9S'
regex = r"PT(?:(?P<hours>\d*)H)?(?:(?P<minutes>\d*)M)?(?:(?P<seconds>\d*)S)?"

parsedDuration = re.match(regex, apiDuration)

print(parsedDuration.groups()) # ('1', '15', '9')
print(parsedDuration.group('hours'))  # 1
print(parsedDuration.group('minutes'))  # 15
print(parsedDuration.group('seconds'))  # 9


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