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Cannot subset columns inside a nested data.frame


I have a data.frame that contains several character columns but also a data.frame. Thus, I have a data.frame inside of my data.frame. My goal is to subset one character column together with a column that is inside the nested data.frame. But, whenever I try to subset the nested column by name, it states it doesnt exist. You can see the data.frame here:

df = structure(
    `$id` = c("21", "22", "23"),
    Id = c("159347",
           "161863", "22646"),
    Name = c("159347", "161863", "22646"),
    SumPeriod = structure(
        AccPeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = c(0.0969367972082358, 0.537983489472227,-0.107066381156318),
        AccPeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = c(0.0969367972082358,
        BopDate = c(
        BopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = c(7592266.52,
                                            5135960.59, 7166815.5),
        BopBasInterestAccrual = c(0, 0, 0),
        EopDate = c(
        EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = c(7599626.22,
                                            5163591.21, 7159142.25),
        EopBasInterestAccrual = c(0, 0,
        AccPeriodBasTwrAtExposureValue = c(0.0969367972082358,
        AccPeriodLocTwrAtExposureValue = c(0.0969367972082358,
        AccBasIrr = c(0.0969367972082358,
        AccLocIrr = c(0.096936797208258,
        AccBasMwr = c(0.0484449181280957,
        PeriodBasIrr = c(0.0969367972082358,
        PeriodLocIrr = c(0.096936797208258,
        PeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = c(0.0969367972082358,
        PeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = c(0.0969367972082358,
        PeriodBasTwrDeposit = c(0,
                                0, 0),
        PeriodBasTwrWithdrawal = c(0, 0, 0),
        PeriodBasTwrDepositWithdrawal = c(0,
                                          0, 0),
        PeriodBasTwrDividendTax = c(0, 0, 0),
        PeriodBasTwr = c(7359.70000000112,
        PeriodBasMwr = c(0.0484449181280957,
        BenchmarkCalcType = c(
        EopBenchmarkName = c("",
                             "", ""),
        AccBasBenchmarkReturnPct = c(0, 0, 0),
        PeriodBasBenchmarkReturnPct = c(0,
                                        0, 0)
      class = "data.frame",
      row.names = c(NA, 3L)
    Series = list(
          AccPeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.0969367972082358,
          AccPeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.0969367972082358,
          BopDate = "2022-02-28T00:00:00",
          BopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = 7592266.52,
          BopBasInterestAccrual = 0,
          EopDate = "2022-02-28T00:00:00",
          EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = 7599626.22,
          EopBasInterestAccrual = 0,
          AccPeriodBasTwrAtExposureValue = 0.0969367972082358,
          AccPeriodLocTwrAtExposureValue = 0.0969367972082358,
          AccBasIrr = 0,
          AccLocIrr = 0,
          AccBasMwr = 0.0968429207825055,
          PeriodBasIrr = 0,
          PeriodLocIrr = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.0969367972082358,
          PeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.0969367972082358,
          PeriodBasTwrDeposit = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrWithdrawal = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrDepositWithdrawal = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrDividendTax = 0,
          PeriodBasTwr = 7359.70000000112,
          PeriodBasMwr = 0.0484449181280957,
          BenchmarkCalcType = "BenchmarkNotCalculated",
          EopBenchmarkName = "",
          AccBasBenchmarkReturnPct = 0,
          PeriodBasBenchmarkReturnPct = 0
        class = "data.frame",
        row.names = 1L
          AccPeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.537983489472227,
          AccPeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.537983489472227,
          BopDate = "2022-02-28T00:00:00",
          BopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = 5135960.59,
          BopBasInterestAccrual = 0,
          EopDate = "2022-02-28T00:00:00",
          EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = 5163591.21,
          EopBasInterestAccrual = 0,
          AccPeriodBasTwrAtExposureValue = 0.537983489472227,
          AccPeriodLocTwrAtExposureValue = 0.537983489472227,
          AccBasIrr = 0,
          AccLocIrr = 0,
          AccBasMwr = 0.535104714457055,
          PeriodBasIrr = 0,
          PeriodLocIrr = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.537983489472227,
          PeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = 0.537983489472227,
          PeriodBasTwrDeposit = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrWithdrawal = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrDepositWithdrawal = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrDividendTax = 0,
          PeriodBasTwr = 27630.6200000001,
          PeriodBasMwr = 0.26827012025902,
          BenchmarkCalcType = "BenchmarkNotCalculated",
          EopBenchmarkName = "",
          AccBasBenchmarkReturnPct = 0,
          PeriodBasBenchmarkReturnPct = 0
        class = "data.frame",
        row.names = 1L
          AccPeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = -0.107066381156318,
          AccPeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = -0.107066381156318,
          BopDate = "2022-02-28T00:00:00",
          BopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = 7166815.5,
          BopBasInterestAccrual = 0,
          EopDate = "2022-02-28T00:00:00",
          EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = 7159142.25,
          EopBasInterestAccrual = 0,
          AccPeriodBasTwrAtExposureValue = -0.107066381156318,
          AccPeriodLocTwrAtExposureValue = -0.107066381156318,
          AccBasIrr = 0,
          AccLocIrr = 0,
          AccBasMwr = -0.107181136120043,
          PeriodBasIrr = 0,
          PeriodLocIrr = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrAtMarketPrice = -0.107066381156318,
          PeriodLocTwrAtMarketPrice = -0.107066381156318,
          PeriodBasTwrDeposit = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrWithdrawal = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrDepositWithdrawal = 0,
          PeriodBasTwrDividendTax = 0,
          PeriodBasTwr = -7673.25,
          PeriodBasMwr = -0.0535618639528656,
          BenchmarkCalcType = "BenchmarkNotCalculated",
          EopBenchmarkName = "",
          AccBasBenchmarkReturnPct = 0,
          PeriodBasBenchmarkReturnPct = 0
        class = "data.frame",
        row.names = 1L
  class = "data.frame",
  row.names = c(NA,

So in the data.frame above, the only columns I am interested in having is "Id" and "EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice" where the latter is a column inside the nested data.frame called "SumPeriod".I try to achieve this by:

df_subset = subset(df, select = c("Id", "SumPeriod$EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice"))

But I get the error:

frame`(x, r, vars, drop = drop) : undefined columns selected

Have you folks any idea how to achieve this?

CodePudding user response:

SumPeriod is a dataframe within your dataframe. So you are suggesting dplyr in your tags, you can solve it with this approach:

df %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  unnest(SumPeriod) %>% 
  select(Id, EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice)

Output is:

# A tibble: 3 × 2
  Id     EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice
  <chr>                            <dbl>
1 159347                        7599626.
2 161863                        5163591.
3 22646                         7159142.

CodePudding user response:

You don't have anything named "SumPeriod$EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice", that's an expression to extract a column from SumPeriod. @Stephan gave you a dplyr solution; here's a base R solution:

df1 <- subset(df, select = c("Id", "SumPeriod"))
df1$SumPeriod <- subset(df1$SumPeriod, select = "EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice")

This keeps the structure as a nested dataframe.

CodePudding user response:

data.table approach

DT <- as.data.table(df)
DT[, .(Id, 
       EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice = lapply(Series, function(x) x$EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice))]
#        Id EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice
# 1: 159347                         7599626
# 2: 161863                         5163591
# 3:  22646                         7159142

CodePudding user response:

If you feel comfortable with dplyr, then use Stephan's solution. If you need a base solution, you can just you assign the needed variable from the nested frame to the parent frame, then use subset():

df["EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice"] <- df$SumPeriod$EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice
df_subset <- subset(df, select = c("Id", "EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice"))
#>       Id EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice
#> 1 159347                         7599626
#> 2 161863                         5163591
#> 3  22646                         7159142

Created on 2022-03-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

CodePudding user response:

Is there a reason for a data frame inside the data frame? You could have this stuff all in a simple data frame

x <- df$SumPeriod
y <- df$Serie
y <- rbind(y[[1]],y[[2]],y[[3]])

df <- cbind(df[,c("Id","Name","$id")],x,y)

Then, your suggested subset works

df_subset = subset(df, select = c("Id", "EopBasHoldingValueAtMarketPrice"))
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