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Three layer framework development completely free V1.3 original concept


Original concept of three layers framework development completely free,
PBnTierBase for IIS (.net) V1.3
PBnTierBase for IIS (EasySoap) V1.3

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PBnTierBase profile
在Web应用迅速发展的今天和客户需求的不断升级,使用PowerBuilder开发的单机版或C/S架构程序在很多情况已经不能满足新形势下的市场需要,对于主要以PowerBuilder为开发工具的公司或个人,如何在不投入高额成本的情况下使用PowerBuilder开发可运行在互联网(广域网)上的程序,以满足新形势下的客户需求和增加产品的持久竞争力,已经是摆在我们面前和需要我们去解决的一个至关重要的问题,为此我们开发了PBnTierBase,PBnTierBase是使用PowerBuilder快速开发三层应用的框架,开发人员不需要掌握中间层的开发技术,也不需要做中间层的开发工作,直接调用PBnTierBase中间层服务组件的相关功能进行客户端开发,即可实现使用PowerBuilder开发三层应用,大大降低了开发人员使用PowerBuilder开发三层应用的技术门槛和开发难度,目前PBnTierBase支持部署在EAServer或IIS应用服务器上,也可以以COM+组件形式进行部署,采用PBnTierBase开发的客户端程序,在不需要更改任何程序代码的情况下,通过切换对应版本的中间层服务组件,即可实现以EAServer,.NET WebService,EasySoap WebService或COM+任意形式的分发和部署,从而满足不同应用规模和不同类型用户的需要,
PBnTierBase main features:
1, greatly reduces the original concept of three layers application technical threshold and difficulty of development, achieved using original concept fast development of three layers application
2, the compressed data transmission
3, paging data retrieval
4, any load PBD library file
5, implementation of the original concept of original DataWindow, SQL and Procedure of almost all operations
6, support the Blob field operation
7, a development to EAServer..net WebService, EasySoap WebService or COM + any form distribution and deployment
8, support Ftp related operations, which can realize the client automatically update

PBnTierHelper profile
PBnTierHelper was developed by using PBnTierBase, can run on a variety of network environment; PBnTierHelper PBnTierBase is adopted to three layers of the development of a powerful auxiliary tool; Through custom PBnTierHelper macros (PowerScript), developers can use PBnTierHelper automatically generate the database operations and three layer development of commonly used code, thus greatly improve the efficiency of using three layer application development of PBnTierBase; PBnTierHelper can also as the development of database table design tool,
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