Home > database >  this.$emit() is not a function while trying to change state in parent component from child in compos
this.$emit() is not a function while trying to change state in parent component from child in compos


//Parent component

   <childComp @onchangeData='changeData' />
   setup() {
   const state = reactive({
     data: 'anything
   function changeData(v){
     state.data = v
   return { changeData}


 <button @click='change('hello')' />

   setup() {

   function change(v){
     this.$emit('onchangeData', v)

I am struggling to change the parents' reactive state from the child's button click. It's saying this.$emit is not a function. I tried many ways like using @onchangeData='changeData()' instead of @onchangeData='changeData', using arrow functions etc. But nothing works. Here, I wrote an example and minimal code to keep it simple. But I hope my problem is clear.

CodePudding user response:

Look at following snippet, this is not the same in composition as in options API, so you need to use emit passed to setup function:

const { reactive } = Vue
const app = Vue.createApp({
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      data: 'anything'
    function changeData(v){
       state.data = v
    return { changeData, state }
app.component("ChildComp", {
  template: `
     <button @click="change('hello')">click</button>
  setup(props, {emit}) {
    function change(v){
      emit('onchangeData', v)
    return { change }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<div id="demo">
   <child-comp @onchange-data='changeData'></child-comp>
   <p>{{ state.data }}</p>

CodePudding user response:

Parent Component:

   <childComp @onchangeData='changeData' />
export default {
   methods: {
       this.state = v
   data() {
    return {
      state: null,

Child Component:

 <button @click='change('hello')' />

export default {
   methods: {
       this.$emit('onchangeData', v)
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