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FIND_IN_SET lead to slow query solution


SELECT DISTINCT c.I D CompID, c.Com pName, c.P rovince, Arthur c. ity, c.D istrict, c.a. ddress, c.s. treet, c. apLng, c. apLat, c.Com pKind, c.a. ppArea, c. ainProduct,
(case when ISNULL (c. apLng) or ISNULL (c. apLat) THEN 100000000 ELSE round (6378.138 * 2 * asin (SQRT (pow (sin ((@ mapLat * PI ()/180 - c. apLat * PI ()/180)/2), 2) + cos (@ mapLat * PI ()/180) * cos (c. apLat * PI ()/180) (
* powSin ((@ mapLng * (PI)/180 - c. apLng * PI ()/180)/2), 2))) * 1000) END) short from eq e
Join co on e.Com pID c=c.I D
Left the join the class as a class on

FIND_IN_SET (class. The ID, the REPLACE (e.E qClassPath, '_', ', '))

And class. CPath LIKE '3383 \ _ %' and class. The State=0
WHERE c.s. Tate c.s. earchShow==1 and '0' and (e.S Tate=1 or e.S Tate=4) and e.I sPublic=1 and e.E ntityState <2;
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