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How to make Powershell script to Iteratively execute from multiple console and pass parameters from


I am required to simulate a file transfer from a location on premise to a location on the cloud or let say any other location.

I have to transfer close to 11 K files at a rate of 3 file per second and if required increase the rate of file transfer to find at what rate the system breaks

This kind of loading and throttling is easy with Jmeter OS sampler but there are issues with the sampler in my case because I am first calling an exe which is kind of parametrized and prompts for a confirmation when executed.

With Jmeter OS sampler I am not able to handle the user input and I used the correct method tested with other command to suppress the prompt.

But I think because of the EXE I am not able to suppress the prompt with OS sampler

With OS sampler it was quite easy I just had to specify the command, parametrize the file name and generate the UUID on the go and just trigger the command.

I could also control the throughput with Jmeter and control the file transfer rate, but the approach with jmeter is out of question as it simply does not work and gets stuck waiting for user input!

Towards the end I decided an approach with PowerShell script which when executed works perfectly but I am not an expert and I have created a parametrized PowerShell script as below with some guidance

    $myshell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell"
   .\BlobFileUpload.exe .\$fileName "4f21-8c7e-45fe9b515a7f/$uuid" "routeid" "/$fileName" "inbox" <Azure Blob SAS url>

The way to execute this scrip is:- .\script-1.ps1 -uuid uuid1 -fileName file1 from the prompt

This code works perfectly but now I need help to pass the file name and UUID from a CSV file and a way to execute this code based on the loop count I specify and in multiple PowerShell window (for example 2 or 3 parallel execution but should pick unique file names and UUID from CSV)

Looking forward to suggestions or links to code snippets I can use to crack this one. Thanks

CodePudding user response:

It sounds like you want a poor man's template engine. I have written such a tool.

Here's what I mean:

Supposing you started with a template file that looks like this:

& .\script-1.ps1 -uuid $uuid -fileName $file

I'm not sure about the ampersand, but if that turns out to be unnecessary, just get rid of it.

Now suppose you had a csv file that looks like this:


You would use my template engine like this:

Expand-csv bloblist.csv bloblist.tmplt > bloblist.ps1

And you would produce the following:

& .\script-1.ps1 -uuid uuid1 -fileName file1
& .\script-1.ps1 -uuid uuid2 -fileName file2
& .\script-1.ps1 -uuid uuid3 -fileName file3

Now this isn't exactly what you were asking about, because this creates an expansion of the template for the entire csv file. But maybe you could write code that reads in the entire csv file and then lets the user select a subset to write out to a smaller csv file that could be used with Expand-csv

And finally, here is Expand-Csv itself:

    Script: Expand-Csv    Rev:  3.2
    By:     DGC           Date: 2-21-19
    Generates multiple expansions of a template,
    driven by data in a CSV file.
    This function is a table driven template tool. 

    It generates output from a template and
    a driver table.  The template file contains plain
    text and embedded variables.  The driver table 
    (in a csv file) has one column for each variable, 
    and one row for each expansion to be generated.
function Expand-csv {
    Param (
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $driver,
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $template
    Process {
       Import-Csv $driver | % {
           $_.psobject.properties | % {Set-variable -name $_.name -value $_.value}
           Get-Content $template | % {$ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($_)} 

CodePudding user response:

Passing command line arguments and inputs is a feature of shell, JMeter has nothing to do about it.

I don't have powershell installed, in "normal" enter image description here

In JMeter's OS Process Sampler you can achieve the same by using the following configuration:

enter image description here

If you want to parameterize the input with the values from the CSV file - go for enter image description here

Looking here in powershell you can play the same trick but you won't need to invoke echo command.

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