Home > database > PLSQL comments only display a question mark, the rest of the Chinese can display properly
PLSQL comments only display a question mark, the rest of the Chinese can display properly
Have tried many ways, what changes the system variables have been tried,
CodePudding user response:
To the individual, is very urgent,,,
CodePudding user response:
This should be is the question about which ORACLE character set is not Chinese, are you sure you changed character set and WINDOWS after the variable or so? Which version you are using ORACLE? The registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - & gt; SOFTWARE - & gt; ORACLE - & gt; KEY_OraDb11g_home1 (different versions of the Oracle shows are not the same, but contains the word home), find "NLS_LANG", check to see if the numerical data for: "SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA. ZHS16GBK" Nan?
CodePudding user response:
Is stored in the database itself is garbled, or after the search display garbled??? Under the CMD command line into up sqlplus check to see if the Chinese data in the table gibberish, without noise, is the problem of you use the tools themselves, rather than a database problem, the first points clear
CodePudding user response:
Should implement the third step can, 1. Log in PLSQL, executing SQL statements, the output of Chinese title shows a question mark?????? ; Conditions include Chinese, no data output Enter the SQL statement select * from V $NLS_PARAMETERS view the character set, check to see if the value of the first line of the value for simplified Chinese 2. Enter the registry, in turn, click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - & gt; SOFTWARE - & gt; ORACLE - & gt; Home (small make up to install Oracle 11 g, shown here as KEY_OraDb11g_home1), find the NLS_LANG, check to see if the numerical data for: SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA. ZHS16GBK 3. If the above Settings are no problem, that is about to see the environment variable Settings, see if any NLS_LANG variable, not the new variable New variables, set the variable name: NLS_LANG variable values: SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA. ZHS16GBK, sure can Quit PLSQL, then log in PLSQL, input SQL statement execution, Chinese title finally, according to normal and it is the data output
CodePudding user response:
Character set issues In this case, the query of the fields contained in Chinese, should also can't normal display SELECT the VALUE FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET' Check the database character set Then the local character set into a consistent, (through the nls_lang environment variable or modify) in the registry