Hbase inserting data is slow, and complains: the 2018-07-05 09:41:53, 560 INFO [AsyncProcess $AsyncRequestFutureImpl. Resubmit (1223)] - # 5,
Table=test: info1, attempt failed=11/35=223 ops,
Last exception: org, apache hadoop, hbase. RegionTooBusyException:
Org, apache hadoop, hbase. RegionTooBusyException: Above memstore limit, regionName=test: info1, 17773912782153693990 79.6 aa4adb265b2c2ff4cebc1be89e7512a.
Server=inmnmbd66, 60020152789431, 99, memstoreSize=536938072, blockingMemStoreSize=536870912
Could you tell me how to handle this?