How can I convert list to vector in R here?
a1 <- matrix(rcauchy(10*200, 0, 1), 200)
for (i in 1:150) {
if (shapiro.test(a1[i,])$p.value >= 0.05) {
print(t.test(a1[i,], alternative = "two.sided")$p.value)
I use this code but I get only the first value
p <- NULL
for (i in 1:150) {
p[i] <- if (shapiro.test(a1[i,])$p.value>=0.05) {
(t.test(a1[i,], alternative = "two.sided")$p.value)
CodePudding user response:
To make the code run without errors, you just need to have an else
statement for when the condition is false
p <- NULL
for (i in 1:150) {
p[i] <- if (shapiro.test(a1[i, ])$p.value >= 0.05) {
(t.test(a1[i, ], alternative = "two.sided")$p.value)
} else {
CodePudding user response:
A apply
loop solution.
a1 <- matrix(rcauchy(10*200, 0, 1), 200)
p <- apply(a1, 1, \(a){
if(shapiro.test(a)$p.value >= 0.05)
else NA_real_
Created on 2022-04-18 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)