I am using IronPython on Grasshopper and Rhino to web scrape data from a specific widget on this link: https://vemcount.app/embed/widget/uOCRuLPangWo5fT?locale=en
The code I am using is as follows
import urllib
import os
web = urllib.urlopen(url)
html = web.read()
The html output contains all the html code from this link except for the parts I need. When I inspect it on chrome it has a "flex" button next to it such as the following image.
image that summarizes the issue I am facing
Anything that is rooted under the line with a "flex" button does not appear in the scraping result and comes as a blank line.
This is the output html I get:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Central Library - Duhig North & Link</title>
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As you can see it is missing some lines, which are the lines that have a flex button next to them. (btw I have shortended the code that is in so I dont reach the 30000 character limit).
I am interested in the number 311 which changes every 2 seconds in the live link and it can be found in the html code between
Is there a way I can get this value, as well as any other value, using IronPython?
P.S. I am a noob in actual coding, that's why I might have issues with terminologies, but have a fair background in visual scripting. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.
CodePudding user response:
Just in case you had the same query or were struggling with dynamic web scraping. You have to use CPython and install a webscraper such as Playwright or BS Selenium
I used playwright which is far more straightforward and has a very much appreciated inner_html()
function which reads straight into the dynamic flex HTML code. Here is the code for reference.
#part of the help to write the script I got from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64303326/using-playwright-for-python-how-do-i-select-or-find-an-element
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
with sync_playwright() as p:
browser = p.chromium.launch(slow_mo=1000)
page = browser.new_page()
central = page.query_selector("p.w-full span");
print({'central': central.inner_html()})
Afterwards I am trying to run the .py script remotely from Grasshopper through a batch file and read the output through a txt or CSV file from within Grasshopper.
If there is a better way I am more than happy to hear your suggestions.
A Beginner in Python. :)