Select (select shortname from ldcom where code) | | '____,
(select codename
The from ldcode
Where codetype='salechnl'
And code=v.c ode),
The sum (cbcount),
NVL (sum (cbsumprem), 0),
The sum (wtcount),
NVL (sum (wtsumprem), 0),
The sum (ctcount),
NVL (sum (ctsumprem), 0),
The sum (xtcount),
NVL (sum (xtsumprem), 0)
The from (select code comcode,
Keith hortname,
, dc ode CODE,
, dc odename,
(select count (distinct l.c ontno)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype='CB'
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc cbcount ODE),
(select SUM (" oney)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype='CB'
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc cbsumprem ODE),
(select count (DISTINCT l.c ontno)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype='WT'
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc wtcount ODE),
1 * (select sum (" oney)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype='WT'
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc wtsumprem ODE),
(select count (DISTINCT l.c ontno)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype='CT'
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc ctcount ODE),
1 * (select sum (" oney)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype='CT'
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc ctsumprem ODE),
(select COUNT (DISTINCT l.c ontno)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype IN (' XT ', 'YT')
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc xtcount ODE),
1 * (select sum (" oney)
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where l.o ptype IN (' XT ', 'YT')
And "anagecom like code | | '%'
And opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
And l.s alechnl=, dc ODE) xtsumprem
The from ldcom k, ldcode d
Where, dc odetype='salechnl'
And code not like '8600%'
And code like '86030201%'
And, dc ode='03'
And LENGTH code (
The order by code,, dc ode) v
Group by a ROLLUP ( code, v.c ode)
CodePudding user response:
First of all: the innermost)The select l.o ptype, "anagecom, l.s alechnl, COUNT (DISTINCT l.c ontno) cc, sum (" oney) mm
The from v_temp_bqcont l
Where opdate between to_date (' 2017-01-01 ', '- dd yyyy - mm) and to_date (' 2017-07-27', '- dd yyyy - mm)
Group by l.o ptype, "anagecom, l.s alechnl
Second floor: the above table and ldcom k, ldcode correlation value according to the condition;
The third layer: according to the code, v.c grouping the ode to the final result
Another: try not to order by in the middle tier, it will add additional overhead
CodePudding user response:
I drop a darling you this query column appeared much subquery,The query column subquery use associated query value according to the condition,
Remove the your order by the subquery, save money, but also meaningless overhead