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Great god will


//based on the input output to find the serial number of all the department of personnel information
//gname employee name gmoney gid number gw affiliated departments pay
The create or replace procedure work (bno in number)


Cursor yb is the select gname, gmoney, gw from gz where gid=bno;
The begin
For a yb in loop
Dbms_output. Put_line (' employee name: '| | al-qeada name | |', salary: '| | al-qeada money | |', the department: '| | al-qeada w);
end loop;
The end;

How to call the output result set in Java?

CodePudding user response:

FOR A IN the select gname, gmoney, gw from gz where gid=bno LOOP
Dbms_output. Put_line (' employee name: '| | al-qeada name | |', salary: '| | al-qeada money | |', the department: '| | al-qeada w);
end loop;
The end;

CodePudding user response:

1, the first thing you want to make sure what is the orm solution to connect to the database, is a JDBC, hib, myb, etc.
2, if use the JDBC connection refer to the following posts:
Will be very detailed;

CodePudding user response:

JDBC calls
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