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Reading large files containing files in binary format and extracting those files with minimum heap a


Sorry for the title, it might be a bit confusing but I don't know how I could have explained it better.

There are two files with .cat (catalog file) and .dat extensions. A .cat file contains the information of binary files in a .dat file. This information is the name of the file, its size, offset in the .dat file, and md5 hash.

Example .cat file;

assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_blue_diff-small.gz 22387 1546955265 85a67a982194e4141e08fac4bf062c8f
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_blue_diff.gz 83859 1546955265 86c7e940de82c2c2573a822c9efc9b6b
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_diff-small.gz 22693 1546955265 cff6956c94b59e946b78419d9c90f972
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_diff.gz 85531 1546955265 57d5a24dd4da673a42cbf0a3e8e08398
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_green_diff-small.gz 22312 1546955265 857fea639e1af42282b015e8decb02db
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_green_diff.gz 115569 1546955265 ee6f60b0a8211ec048172caa762d8a1a
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_purple_diff-small.gz 14179 1546955265 632317951273252d516d36b80de7dfcd
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_purple_diff.gz 53781 1546955265 c057acc06a4953ce6ea3c6588bbad743
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_yellow_diff-small.gz 21966 1546955265 a893c12e696f9e5fb188409630b8d10b
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/ast_crystal_yellow_diff.gz 82471 1546955265 c50a5e59093fe9c6abb64f0f47a26e57
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/xen_crystal_diff-small.gz 14161 1546955265 23b34bdd1900a7e61a94751ae798e934
assets/textures/environments/asteroids/xen_crystal_diff.gz 53748 1546955265 dcb7c8294ef72137e7bca8dd8ea2525f
assets/textures/lensflares/lens_rays3_small_diff.gz 14107 1546955265 a656d1fad4198b0662a783919feb91a5

I did parse those files with relative ease and I used Span<T> and after some benchmarks with BenchmarkDotNet, I believe I have optimized the reading of those types of files as much I could.

But .dat files are another story. A typical .dat file is GBs in size.

I tried the most straightforward method I could think of first.

(I removed the null checks and validation codes to make the code more readable.)

public async Task ExportAssetsAsync(CatalogFile catalogFile, string destDirectory, CancellationToken ct = default)
    IFileInfo catalogFileInfo = _fs.FileInfo.FromFileName(catalogFile.FilePath);
    string catalogFileName = _fs.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(catalogFileInfo.Name);
    string datFilePath = _fs.Path.Combine(catalogFileInfo.DirectoryName, $"{catalogFileName}.dat");
    IFileInfo datFileInfo = _fs.FileInfo.FromFileName(datFilePath);

    await using Stream stream = datFileInfo.OpenRead();
    foreach (CatalogEntry catalogEntry in catalogFile.CatalogEntries)
        string destFilePath = _fs.Path.Combine(destDirectory, catalogEntry.AssetPath);
        IFileInfo destFile = _fs.FileInfo.FromFileName(destFilePath);
        if (!destFile.Directory.Exists)
        stream.Seek(catalogEntry.ByteOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        var newFileData = new byte[catalogEntry.AssetSize];
        int read = await stream.ReadAsync(newFileData, 0, catalogEntry.AssetSize, ct);
        if (read != catalogEntry.AssetSize)
            _logger?.LogError("Could not read asset data from dat file: {DatFile}", datFilePath);
            throw new DatFileReadException("Could not read asset data from dat file", datFilePath);
        await using Stream destStream = _fs.File.Open(destFile.FullName, FileMode.Create);

As you can guess this method is both slow and allocates a lot in heap and it keeps the GC busy.

I did some modifications to the method above and try reading with a buffer then using stackalloc and Span instead of allocation with new byte[catalogEntry.AssetSize]. I didn't gain much in the buffered reading, and naturally, I got the StackOverflow exception with stackalloc since some files are large than the stack size.

Then after some research, I decided that I could use System.IO.Pipelines introduced with .NET Core 2.1. And I changed the above method as below.

public async Task ExportAssetsPipe(CatalogFile catalogFile, string destDirectory, CancellationToken ct = default)
    IFileInfo catalogFileInfo = _fs.FileInfo.FromFileName(catalogFile.FilePath);
    string catalogFileName = _fs.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(catalogFileInfo.Name);
    string datFilePath = _fs.Path.Combine(catalogFileInfo.DirectoryName, $"{catalogFileName}.dat");

    IFileInfo datFileInfo = _fs.FileInfo.FromFileName(datFilePath);
    await using Stream stream = datFileInfo.OpenRead();

    foreach (CatalogEntry catalogEntry in catalogFile.CatalogEntries)
        string destFilePath = _fs.Path.Combine(destDirectory, catalogEntry.AssetPath);
        IFileInfo destFile = _fs.FileInfo.FromFileName(destFilePath);
        if (!destFile.Directory.Exists)
        stream.Position = catalogEntry.ByteOffset;
        var reader = PipeReader.Create(stream);
        while (true)
            ReadResult readResult = await reader.ReadAsync(ct);
            ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer = readResult.Buffer;
            if (buffer.Length >= catalogEntry.AssetSize)
                ReadOnlySequence<byte> entry = buffer.Slice(0, catalogEntry.AssetSize);
                await using Stream destStream = File.Open(destFile.FullName, FileMode.Create);
                foreach (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> mem in entry)
                   await destStream.WriteAsync(mem, ct);
            reader.AdvanceTo(buffer.Start, buffer.End);

Well according to BenchmarkDotnet the results are worse than the first method both in performance and memory allocations. This is probably because I am using System.IO.Pipelines incorrectly or out of purpose.

I don't have much experience with this as I haven't done I/O operations for such large files before. How could I do what I want to do with minimum memory allocation and maximum performance? Thank you very much in advance for your help and correct guidance.

CodePudding user response:

Use the new ArrayPool it's on System.Buffers, research first how to use it to avoid memory leaks.

You need to always rent from and return to the pool, this will help a lot with memory allocation. –

Try this link adamsitnik.com/Array-Pool for your research

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