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Rails params not passing to controller action


This is my controller:

class RegularController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :find_student

  def regular_student
    session[:page] = 'regular_student'

  def generate_regular_student
    @regular = RegularStudent.new()
    @regular.codtitulo = params[:academic_title_id]

    render :template => 'regular/_regular_student_output'

This are the important routes for this issue:

get '/regular_student' => 'regular#regular_student'
post '/generate_regular_student' => 'regular#generate_regular_student'

This is my regular_student.html.rb form:

<%= form_for :generate_regular_student, url: "generate_regular_student" do |f| %>
  <%= f.collection_select :id, @student.academic_titles, :academid_title_id, :name, {}, {class: "form-control 
  screen-only"}  %>
  <%= f.submit "Generar constancia", {class: 'btn btn-default'} %>
<% end %>

This is my partial _regular_student_output.html.erb, in which I want to show the academic_title_id which came as a param to @regular.codtitulo, to make sure that I´m getting it correctly:

<h2>Title: <%= @regular.codtitulo %></h2>

The problem is that the param never reaches the controller. When I push the submit button in the form, the terminal outputs the following:

Started POST "/generate_regular_student" for at 2022-04-26 09:00:44 -0300
Processing by RegularController#generate_regular_student as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓","authenticity_token"=>"QjHc7k7NXlYgL1XlTiy6rYGgSvID 5II YusNm7n i3XT6vNwUzLUxmjG6aTEqAQP6zIKNsetAKpg2L3Qip4AA==", "generate_regular_student"=>{"academic_title_id"=>"221"}, "commit"=>"Generar constancia"}

So the param is generating correctly, but for some reason never reaches the controller. When I use @regular.codtitulo in _regular_student_output.html.erb I just get a blank <h2> </h2>.

CodePudding user response:

As dbugger commented, the parameter reached the controller. My mistake was when using it. Instead of using:


I should have used:


Credits to dbugger. Thank you very much!

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