There are three tables
- workshops (column: id,name,phone,email)
- services (column: id, name)
- service_workshop (column: id, workshop_id, service_id, active)
Between tables workshops and services relationships many to many.
For filtering in the model i use local scopes
How to write a request correctly?
CodePudding user response:
Can you please share the full rows of the result? If I am not mistaken. The result is valid because it's return workshop_id 2 due the condition of the first row or id (117)
The value is : service_id : 1 workshop_id : 2 active : 1
which means, you have workshop_id 2 with active value
Remember you add whereIn [1,2] which is valid as long as the service_id is 1 or 2
Update :
To make sure it's only return all workshop_id that contains all service_id with status active you need to group it and add having
Try this :
return $query->when(count($services), function ($query) use ($services) {
$query->whereIn('id', function ($query) use ($services) {
->where('active', true)
->whereIn('service_id', $services)
->having(DB::raw('count(*)', >=, count($services)));
MySQL Query :
SELECT workshop_id FROM service_workshop WHERE service_id IN (1,2) AND active = 1 GROUP BY workshop_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
Note : Change the condtion of having count to the length of the service condition