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Which route is to write for same method on every page


Currenty developing a project in Laravel and want to now which route should I write when for example the search bar appears in the navigation bar on every page. It would be great if I get any advice here.


CodePudding user response:

The default rendering engine Blade uses layouts for all the components of the site that are generic, you could add your search bar there.

An additional step would be to make the search bar a component and render it in the layout

CodePudding user response:

Johns answer was absolutely correct, so get familiar with Laravel's Blade Templates and Components before down-voting.

However I'll try to introduce you the basics in Laravel:

I assume you have a layouts.blade.php file in resources\views\layouts and its corresponding class in app\View\Componets\AppLayout.php

Or similar naming

  1. your app.blade.php file in resources\views\layouts with the following content:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Title of the document</title>


<!-- Your Content goes here -->
    {{ $slot }}





namespace App\View\Components;

use Illuminate\View\Component;

class AppLayout extends Component
     * Get the view / contents that represents the component.
     * @return \Illuminate\View\View
    public function render()
        return view('layouts.app');

This is your base Layout for any pages on your website

  1. Create a route for your first page in your routes\web.php to view the new Layout
Route::get('/page1',function (){
    return view('page1');
  1. Create page1.blade.php in resources\views


    I'm Page One
  1. Create a new component for your search bar
php artisan make:component SearchBar

edit resources/views/components/search-bar.blade.php with something like this:

<label for="search" title="Search">
    <input type="search" placeholder="Search...">
  1. add the component to your app.blade.php:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Title of the document</title>


<!-- Search Bar -->


<!-- Your Content goes here -->
    {{ $slot }}



This will add your search bar on any page as long as you use the <x-app-layout> directive on other pages:

run it in the browser with http://{your-url}/page1 you'll see I'm Page One with the search bar on top

  1. Create a new file page2.blade.php in resources\views with the following content
    I'm Page Two
  1. Create its route:
Route::get('/page2',function (){
    return view('page2');
  1. run it in the browser with http://{your-url}/page2 you'll see I'm Page Two with the search bar on top
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