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Use regular expressions to modify the registry code as follows.


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Registration form & lt;/title> <br/><br/><style> <br/><br/># regForm {<br/><br/>Width: 530 px; <br/><br/>} <br/><br/># regForm p {<br/><br/>text-align:center; <br/><br/>The font - size: 36 px <br/><br/></style> <br/><br/></head> <br/><br/><br/><br/><body> <br/><br/><! --<The table border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" & gt; --> <br/><br/><Div id="regForm" & gt; <br/><br/><P> The registry & lt;/p> <br/><br/><Table width="600" & gt; <br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> User name: & lt;/label> </td> <br/><br/><Td> & lt; Input type="text" id="usename & gt;"//(begin with a letter, allowing 6-12 bytes, allowing the alphabet, Numbers, underscore) & lt;/td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> Name: & lt;/label> </td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="text" id="name" & gt;//(begin with a letter, allowing 4 to 8 bytes, allow the alphabet, Numbers, underscore) & lt;/td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <br/><br/><Label> Password: & lt;/lable> <br/><br/></td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="text" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/aaaaaa" id=psd> <br/><br/><Label>//(only allow 6 to 12 digits) & lt;/label> <br/><br/></td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <br/><br/><Label> Confirm password: & lt;/lable> <br/><br/></td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="text" id=psd> <br/><br/><br/><br/></td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> Gender: & lt;/label> </td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="radio" name="sex" & gt; <br/><br/><Label> Men's & lt;/label> <br/><br/><Input type="radio" name="sex" & gt; <br/><br/><Label> Female & lt;/label> <br/><br/></td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> Mobile: & lt;/labe1 & gt; </td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="tel" id="tel" & gt;//(starting with 1, allow only 11 digits) & lt;/td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> Birthday: & lt;/label> </td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="date" id="date" & gt; </td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> QQ: & lt;/label> </td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="number" id="qq" & gt;//(only allowed 4 to 8 digits) & lt;/td> <br/><br/><br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> E-mail: & lt;/label> </td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="email" id="email" & gt;//(with letters, Numbers, underscore, allow 6-12 bytes, separated with @, domain name only allowed "163. com", "qq.com", "yahu.com") & lt;/td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/><br/><br/><tr> <br/><br/><Td> <Label> Home address: & lt;/label> & lt;/td> <br/><br/><Td> <Input type="text" list="province" & gt; <br/><br/><Datalist id="province" & gt; <br/><br/><Option> Beijing & lt;/option> <br/><br/></datalist> <br/><br/><Input type="text" list="city" & gt; <br/><br/><Datalist id="city" & gt; <br/><br/><Option> Beijing governs & lt;/option> <br/><br/></datalist> <br/><br/><Input type="text" list="district" & gt; <br/><br/><Datalist id="district" & gt; <br/><br/><Option> The dongcheng district & lt;/option> <br/><br/></datalist> <br/><br/></td> <br/><br/></tr> <br/><br/></table> <br/><br/><Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/"/& gt; <br/><br/></div> <br/><br/><! --</table> --> <br/><br/></html> <br/><br/> </div> <div class="th_page th_page_color"></div> <div class="umCopyright"> <p>Page link:<a href="/database/39166.html" target="_blank" style="color:#999">https//www.codepudding.com/database/39166.html</a></p> </div> <div class="detail-arr"> <div class="detail-arr-left">Prev:<a href='/database/39165.html'>Urgent urgent</a></div> <div class="detail-arr-right">Next:<a href='/database/39167.html'>SQL file to general path MDF</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container th_top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="hot-tags neitags"> <ul> <li><i class="iconfont icon-x-tags"></i> Tags:  </li> <a href='/e/tags/?tagname=New+technological+frontier' target='_blank'>New technological frontier</a> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container th_top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="xiangguan"> <ul class="msg msghead"> <li class="tbname">Related</li> </ul> <ul> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container th_top"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="flinks"> <ul> <li><i class="iconfont icon-x-tags"></i> Links:  </li> <li class="liflinks"><a target="_blank" href="/" title="CodePudding">CodePudding</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <p><span style="font-size:16px;color:#666;font-weight: bold">About Us:</span>  <a href="https://www.codepudding.com/contact.html">Contact Us</a>      <a href="https://www.codepudding.com/service.html">Terms of Service</a>      <a href="https://www.codepudding.com/privacy.html"> Privacy Policy</a></p> <p class="foot_info">Copyright © 2010-2023,Powered By <a href="/" target="_blank">CodePudding</a> </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/skin/code/tianhu.js"></script> </body></html>