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How will the excel in PB data imported into the SQL database?


I have now realized the data imported into a dw, and only two columns of data table can also be updated in the SQL database, but generally SQL database table has a lot of columns, I choose a table in the dw of certain columns or two tables a few columns, when such import SQL database error, consult everybody who is an example to reference the warrior?
Attach my import code:
Dw_1. Settransobject (sqlca)
String ls_null
SetNull (ls_null)
Dw_1. ImportFile (ls_null)
//this is to import CSV data table
Update code:
If dw_1. The update ()=1 then
Messagebox (" ", "OK")
The else
The rollback.
Messagebox (" ", "failure")
End the if
Dw_1. Settransobject (sqlca)
Dw_1. Retrieve ()

If you need a quick update, do you have a specific code? The younger brother is a novice,

CodePudding user response:

From the data window is used in circulation, put all the columns in each of the variables, then use the insert or update statement.
Assuming that two columns
String c1 and c2
Long I, j
For I=1 to dw_1. Rowcount ()
C1=dw_1. Getitemstring (I, "c1")
C1=dw_1. Getitemstring (I, "c2")
Select count (1) into: j from TB where c1=: c1
If j=1 then//assume that c1 primary key, that is, there is only one.
Update the set of TB c2=: c2 where c1=: c1
The else
Insert into TB (c1, c2) values (: c1, c2)
End the for
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