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Cut the image beyond the div width


I have a SVG in my page & i have aligned it to the right so that its middle is center to the edge of the div within which it is present. Similar to the pic below

enter image description here

I want to however hide the portion of image that is beyond the border of the container.

Like this enter image description here

How do I achieve this? Code to the page which shows the current status is below (this is not my actual page but this explains the issue I am having). SO does not allow the codepen.io link to be added directly, hence added this way.

[codepen] (https://codepen.io/moyscode/pen/VwQYrry)

body {
  margin: 0 1rem;
  border: 1px solid red;

.container {
  margin: 0 2rem;
  position: relative;
  border: 1px solid blue;

.baby {
  position: fixed;
  right: 0;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(calc(50% - 1rem), -50%);
  width: 30vmin;
  height: 30vmin;
<div class='container'>
  <div class='header'>
    <h3> Header</h3>
  <svg viewBox="0 0 384 512" width="100" title="baby" class='baby'>
  <path d="M192 160c44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80S236.2 0 192 0s-80 35.8-80 80 35.8 80 80 80zm-53.4 248.8l25.6-32-61.5-51.2L56.8 383c-11.4 14.2-11.7 34.4-.8 49l48 64c7.9 10.5 19.9 16 32 16 8.3 0 16.8-2.6 24-8 17.7-13.2 21.2-38.3 8-56l-29.4-39.2zm142.7-83.2l-61.5 51.2 25.6 32L216 448c-13.2 17.7-9.7 42.8 8 56 7.2 5.4 15.6 8 24 8 12.2 0 24.2-5.5 32-16l48-64c10.9-14.6 10.6-34.8-.8-49l-45.9-57.4zM376.7 145c-12.7-18.1-37.6-22.4-55.7-9.8l-40.6 28.5c-52.7 37-124.2 37-176.8 0L63 135.3C44.9 122.6 20 127 7.3 145-5.4 163.1-1 188 17 200.7l40.6 28.5c17 11.9 35.4 20.9 54.4 27.9V288h160v-30.8c19-7 37.4-16 54.4-27.9l40.6-28.5c18.1-12.8 22.4-37.7 9.7-55.8z" />     
  <div class='Content'>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>

  <div class='Footer'>
    <h3> Footer</h3>


CodePudding user response:

You're using position: fixed which will place the SVG outside of the element with the .container class.

position: fixed will tell the browser that the element is placed relative to the window viewport; position: absolute will tell the element that any positioning provided will be relative to this element's parent.

Solution: Use position: absolute on the SVG and overflow: hidden on the .container class.


<div class='container'>
  <div class='header'>
    <h3> Header</h3>
  <svg viewBox="0 0 384 512" width="100" title="baby" class='baby'>
    <path d="M192 160c44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80S236.2 0 192 0s-80 35.8-80 80 35.8 80 80 80zm-53.4 248.8l25.6-32-61.5-51.2L56.8 383c-11.4 14.2-11.7 34.4-.8 49l48 64c7.9 10.5 19.9 16 32 16 8.3 0 16.8-2.6 24-8 17.7-13.2 21.2-38.3 8-56l-29.4-39.2zm142.7-83.2l-61.5 51.2 25.6 32L216 448c-13.2 17.7-9.7 42.8 8 56 7.2 5.4 15.6 8 24 8 12.2 0 24.2-5.5 32-16l48-64c10.9-14.6 10.6-34.8-.8-49l-45.9-57.4zM376.7 145c-12.7-18.1-37.6-22.4-55.7-9.8l-40.6 28.5c-52.7 37-124.2 37-176.8 0L63 135.3C44.9 122.6 20 127 7.3 145-5.4 163.1-1 188 17 200.7l40.6 28.5c17 11.9 35.4 20.9 54.4 27.9V288h160v-30.8c19-7 37.4-16 54.4-27.9l40.6-28.5c18.1-12.8 22.4-37.7 9.7-55.8z" />
  <div class='Content'>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>

  <div class='Footer'>
    <h3> Footer</h3>



  margin: 0 1rem;
  border: 1px solid red;

  margin: 0 2rem;
  border: 1px solid blue;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden; // this ensure that any overflow shouldn't be visible

.baby {
  position: absolute; // this has to be absolute instead of fixed
  right: 0;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(calc(50% - 1rem), -50%);
  width: 30vmin;
  height: 30vmin;

Update for using position: fixed:

In the case that you want the image to be fixed, you could wrap it in a container and give the container the existing SVG styles, then give that container position: fixed and overflow: hidden, and the SVG inside it can be moved with position: absolute. In this case, you have to adjust the spacing so that the margins of the containers are equal.


<div class='container'>
  <div class='header'>
    <h3> Header</h3>

  <div class='baby'>
    <svg viewBox="0 0 384 512" width="100" title="baby">
      <path d="M192 160c44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80S236.2 0 192 0s-80 35.8-80 80 35.8 80 80 80zm-53.4 248.8l25.6-32-61.5-51.2L56.8 383c-11.4 14.2-11.7 34.4-.8 49l48 64c7.9 10.5 19.9 16 32 16 8.3 0 16.8-2.6 24-8 17.7-13.2 21.2-38.3 8-56l-29.4-39.2zm142.7-83.2l-61.5 51.2 25.6 32L216 448c-13.2 17.7-9.7 42.8 8 56 7.2 5.4 15.6 8 24 8 12.2 0 24.2-5.5 32-16l48-64c10.9-14.6 10.6-34.8-.8-49l-45.9-57.4zM376.7 145c-12.7-18.1-37.6-22.4-55.7-9.8l-40.6 28.5c-52.7 37-124.2 37-176.8 0L63 135.3C44.9 122.6 20 127 7.3 145-5.4 163.1-1 188 17 200.7l40.6 28.5c17 11.9 35.4 20.9 54.4 27.9V288h160v-30.8c19-7 37.4-16 54.4-27.9l40.6-28.5c18.1-12.8 22.4-37.7 9.7-55.8z" />

  <div class='Content'>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>
    <h3> Thing</h3>

  <div class='Footer'>
    <h3> Footer</h3>



  margin: 0 1rem;
  border: 1px solid red;

  margin: 0 2rem;
  position : relative;
  border: 1px solid blue;

.baby {
  position: fixed;
  right: 3rem;
  top: 50%;
  width: 100px;
  height: 136px;
  overflow: hidden;
  border: 1px solid green;

.baby svg {
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0;
  transform: translateX(50%);

CodePudding user response:

You can use z-index in css to put your image beyond the body but in front of your container

  •  Tags:  
  • css
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