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How to print route lists in Blade


I wonder is it possible to print all route lists in a Blade, just like the way we see them in terminal after typing php artisan route:list

So in that case we just need a table with these headers:







But I don't mean inserting all the route data in a table and then get results.

I wonder can we print the required information automatically or not?

CodePudding user response:

\Artisan::call('route:list'); will not work, as it is written to print the routes list in cli and return 0 in controller.

public function __construct(protected \Illuminate\Routing\Router $router)

public function index()
    $routes = collect($this->router->getRoutes())->map(function ($route) {
        return $this->getRouteInformation($route);

protected function getRouteInformation(\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route)
    return [
        'domain' => $route->domain(),
        'method' => implode('|', $route->methods()),
        'uri' => $route->uri(),
        'name' => $route->getName(),
        'action' => ltrim($route->getActionName(), '\\'),
        'middleware' => $this->get_middleware($route),
        'vendor' => $this->isVendorRoute($route),

protected function isVendorRoute(\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route)
    if ($route->action['uses'] instanceof \Closure) {
        $path = (new \ReflectionFunction($route->action['uses']))->getFileName();
    } elseif (is_string($route->action['uses']) && str_contains($route->action['uses'], 'SerializableClosure')) {
        return false;
    } elseif (is_string($route->action['uses'])) {
        if ($this->isFrameworkController($route)) {
            return false;
        $path = (new \ReflectionClass($route->getControllerClass()))->getFileName();
    } else {
        return false;

    return str_starts_with($path, base_path('vendor'));

protected function isFrameworkController(\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route)
    return in_array($route->getControllerClass(), [
    ], true);

protected function get_middleware($route)
    return collect($this->router->gatherRouteMiddleware($route))->map(function ($middleware) {
        return $middleware instanceof \Closure ? 'Closure' : $middleware;

You can find this code with more information in /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/RouteListCommand.php file.

CodePudding user response:

In your controller you can get the list of routes using Artisan facade.

public function showRoutes($request) {
    $routes = Artisan::call('route:list');
    return view('your_view', compact('routes'));  
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