Function: get a registration data from terminal,
BOOL GetEnrollData (
Long dwMachineNumber,
Long dwEnrollNumber,
Long dwEMachineNumber,
Long dwBackupNumber,
The long FAR * dwMachinePrivilege,
The long FAR * dwEnrollData,
The long FAR * dwPassWord
Said to read data terminal number,
Said to get the registration data registration number,
Registration number for registration data,
Said to get registration data Backup registration Number (Backup Number),
Backup registration number value stated below:
Value description
0 0 fingerprint data
The fingerprint data 1 1
2. 2 the fingerprint data
3 3 fingerprint data
4 4 fingerprint data
5 5 fingerprint data
6 6 fingerprint data
7 7 fingerprint data
8 8 fingerprint data
9, 9 fingerprint data
10 password data
Said receive for registration data machine permission values to variables of type long pointer,
Direct description
0 average user
1 managers (registration, the machine Settings) [1]
Receive to obtain registration data value of the pointer to the buffer type long,
Said to receive the registration data to obtain the password value refers to the long pointer variable,
If valid data is read from the terminal, it is TRUE,
If not specified in the terminal registration data or communication errors occur, it is FALSE,
When the return value is FALSE, the parameter value is meaningless,
This function is read from the terminal registration data of fingerprints and password specified data,
Call this function when dwBackupNumber value between 0 to 9, is read from the terminal to specify the function of fingerprint registration data, then dwPassWord specify a variable's value has no meaning,
If, when this function is called, dwBackupNumber value is 10, then the function is read from the terminal specified password registration data, then dwEnrollData to specify a variable's value has no meaning,
Boolean vRet
Long vEnrollNumber
Long vEMachineNumber
Long vBackupNumber
Long gMachinePrivilege
Long gEnrollData
Long gPassWord, mMachineNumber
St_2. Text=""
SB100PC1. Object. SetIPAddress (lpszipaddress. Text, integer (txtportno. Text), integer (txtpassword. Text))
SB100PC1. Object. OpenCommPort (1)
VRet=SB100PC1. Object. Enabledevice (mMachineNumber, false)
If vret=false then
Messagebox (" prompt ", "terminal are not permitted to enter the attendance status failed!" )
End the if
VRet=SB100PC1. Object. GetEnrollData (mMachineNumber, & amp;
VEnrollNumber, & amp;
VEMachineNumber, & amp;
VBackupNumber, & amp;
Ref gMachinePrivilege, & amp;
Ref gEnrollData, & amp;
Ref gPassWord)
Messagebox (' ', gEnrollData)
VRet=SB100PC1. Object. Enabledevice (mMachineNumber, true)
SB100PC1. Object. EnableDevice (1, true)
SB100PC1. Object. CloseCommPort
Why gEnrollData returns a value of 0, ask ace to help me, thank you!
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Check the value of the vRetCodePudding user response:
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