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Stored procedure, the dynamic add fields, variables, according to?


Because of the need to upgrade procedures, need to store the code, increase the table ks_goods a field, the stored procedure is as follows:
DROP PROCEDURE IF the EXISTS ` checkTabColumns `;
CREATE PROCEDURE checkTabColumns ()
# define variables
Declare CurrentDatabase VARCHAR (100);
Declare the rs char (4);
Declare MDSTR char (10); # the value of this variable is what I want to increase the field name!
Declare cursor_finished int (1);
# define cursor
Declare cursor_store CURSOR for the select storeSymbol from ks_store;
Declare the CONTINUE HANDLER FOR the NOT FOUND SET cursor_finished=1;

The set CurrentDatabase=database ();
The open cursor_store;
Loop1: loop
The fetch cursor_store into rs;
If cursor_finished=1 then
Leave loop1.
End the if;
The set MDSTR=CONCAT (" md_ ", rs); # I want field name format is: md_SA
The select MDSTR; # MDSTR here really has been assigned to format for I think!
# check whether have the field
If not the exists (select * from information_schema. The columns where TABLE_SCHEMA=CurrentDatabase AND TABLE_NAME='ks_goods' AND COLUMN_NAME=MDSTR) then
The alter table ` ks_goods ` add column MDSTR tinyint (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '1: stores the goods belong to the code, 0: do NOT belong to the' after ` isvalid `;
# this way, although has added a new field, but field name is not md_SA, and is MDSTR??????? Why is that? How to increase the field name is md_SA?
End the if;
End loop loop1;
The close cursor_store;
CALL checkTabColumns ();

Actually increase the fields below:

CodePudding user response:

After the add MDSTR, change into a md_SA

CodePudding user response:

Mysql table name, column name can't is variable, can consider to use to PREPARE

CodePudding user response:

Thank ACMAIN_CHM moderators!
This adds a knowledge point again!
To learn to prepare

CodePudding user response:

Where I'm going crazy, this is wrong

CodePudding user response:

Know what is going on, prepare must be user variables...

CodePudding user response:

Prepare must be @ the sort of