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Merge array in one array index? Javascript


Right now I need to merge the string into one.

This is my try ->

newState((oldData) => [...oldData, newData.map((new) => new)]);

After this merge i got example of array ->

 [{id: 1, name: "One"}],
 [{id: 2, name : "two"}]

problem is newData because always print new array.

I need to data be like ->

 {id: 1, name: "One"},
 {id: 2, name : "two"}

What i am try, with foreEach ->

newState((oldData) => [...oldData, newData.forEach((new) => new)]);

No work.

Also what I am try

 let filteredArray = newData.map(data => data);
 newState((oldData) => [...oldData, filteredArray]);

Also no work, why?

Every time I get new information inside array newData....

I need solution to get only result inside array and print to

newState((oldData) => [...oldData, newResultWhichIsObject]);

Also some time my newData have few object inside array

CodePudding user response:

The map method isn't the right method to use in your case. Map method will take as an entry an array of n elements and mutate it into an array of n element, on which an operation was applied. See MDN documentation

You should use the reduce method, which provides the ability to construct a brand new array from an empty one, here is the snippet :

const baseArray = [ 
 [{id: 1, name: "One"}],
 [{id: 2, name : "two"}]

const flattenedArray = baseArray.reduce((acc, curr) => ([...acc, ...curr]), []);

// For demo purpose, console.log

Reduce array method is a bit tricky, that is why I invite you to read the documentation carefully and play with it.

CodePudding user response:

You can use .flat() method. Try this

const newData = [ 
   [{id: 1, name: "One"}],
   [{id: 2, name : "two"}]

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