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How to get nested relationship entities with nested subqueries SQL?


I have these 4 tables: Scorecard, Section, Topic, Answer.

Each scorecard can have many sections. Each Section can have many topics and each Topic can have many answers.

I am looking to retrieve the data in the following form. Get all sections where scorecard id is equal to to a certain id i do this by left joining and it works so far. Then for each section I want to get of all it's topics and answers as well.

=> Expected Output

topics:[{topicName, answers:[{answerName}]}]}, 
topics:[{topicName, answers:[{answerName}]}]}]

I made adjustments to my query and joint the tables correctly but the output data is not correctly organized as I was It to be.


    SELECT sec."id",
       sec."name" AS "sectionName",
       to_json(topics) as "topics"
FROM "scorecard" sc 
LEFT JOIN "section" sec ON sc."id" = sec."scorecardId"
LEFT JOIN  (SELECT tp.*, to_json(answers.*) as "answers"
            FROM "topic" tp
            LEFT JOIN (SELECT ans."name" as "answerName", ans."topicId"
            FROM "answer" ans) answers ON answers."topicId" = tp."id"
            ) topics
            ON topics."sectionId" = sec."id"
WHERE sc."id" = $1

The current output:

    [  id: 85,
      sectionName: 'Consultation',
      topics: {
        id: 109,
        name: 'Was the information correct?',
        answers: [{ answerName: 'Yes', topicId: 109 },        answers: { answerName: 'NO', topicId: 109 }
      id: 85,
      sectionName: 'Consultation',
      topics: {
        id: 109,
        name: 'Was the information correct?',
        answers: { answerName: 'NO', topicId: 109 }

My expected output:

[  {id: 85,
  sectionName: 'Consultation',
  topics: [{
    id: 109,
    name: 'Was the information correct?',
    answers: [{ answerName: 'Yes', topicId: 109 },
             { answerName: 'NO', topicId: 109 }]
} ]

I have also tried JOINING all entites as such:

SELECT sec."id",
       sec."name" AS "sectionName",
       tp."name" AS topics, ans."name" AS answers
FROM "scorecard" sc 
LEFT JOIN "section" sec ON sc."id" = sec."scorecardId"
LEFT JOIN "topic" tp ON tp."sectionId" = sec."id"
LEFT JOIN "answer" ans ON ans."topicId"= tp."id"
WHERE sc."id" = $1

Output is not organized as it should be.

    id: 91,
    sectionName: 'Politeness',
    topics: 'Was the agent polite with the client?',
    answers: 'No'
    id: 91,
    sectionName: 'Politeness',
    topics: 'Was the agent polite with the client?',
    answers: 'Not everytime'
    id: 91,
    sectionName: 'Politeness',
    topics: 'Was the agent polite with the client?',
    answers: 'Yes'

CodePudding user response:

You can join all four tables to get your result.

SELECT sec."id",
       sec."name" AS "sectionName",
       tp."name" AS topics, ans."name" AS answers
FROM "scorecard" sc 
LEFT JOIN "section" sec ON sc."id" = sec."scorecardId"
LEFT JOIN "topic" tp on tp."sectionId" = sec."id"
LEFT JOIN "answer" ans on ans."topicId"=tp."id"
WHERE sc."id" = 30

Thanks @Luuk for creating the dbfiddle link.

  select json_agg(x) AS result
    SELECT sec."id",
        sec."name" AS "sectionName",
        json_agg(topics) as "topics"
   FROM "scorecard" sc 
   LEFT JOIN "section" sec ON sc."id" = sec."scorecardId"
   LEFT JOIN  (SELECT tp.id,tp.name,tp."sectionId", json_agg(answers.*) as "answers"
             FROM "topic" tp
             LEFT JOIN (SELECT ans."name" as "answerName", ans."topicId"
             FROM "answer" ans) answers ON answers."topicId" = tp."id"
             group by tp.id,tp.name,tp."sectionId"
             ) topics
             ON topics."sectionId" = sec."id"
   WHERE sc."id" = 85
   group by sec."id", sec."name"


[{"id":85,"sectionName":"Consulation","topics":[{"id":109,"name":"Was the information correct?","sectionId":85,"answers":[{"answerName":"Yes","topicId":109}, <br> {"answerName":"NO","topicId":109}]}]}]

*db<>fiddle here149)

CodePudding user response:

You are missing a JOIN condition to the table topics

SELECT sec."id",
       sec."name" AS "sectionName",
FROM "scorecard" sc 
LEFT JOIN "section" sec ON sc."id" = sec."scorecardId"
      FROM "topic" tp 
      WHERE tp."sectionId" = sec."id"
           (SELECT tp.* 
            FROM "topic" tp 
            WHERE tp."sectionId" = sec."id"
      ) as topics  ON topics.??? = ???  -- Here you should enter the relation
                                        --  from topics to your section.
WHERE sc."id" = 30


With you (current) input I creates this DBFIDDLE

The output:

        "id": 85,
        "sectionName": "Consulation",
        "topics": {
            "id": 109,
            "name": "Was the information correct?",
            "sectionId": 85,
            "answers": {
                "answerName": "Yes",
                "topicId": 109
        "id": 85,
        "sectionName": "Consulation",
        "topics": {
            "id": 109,
            "name": "Was the information correct?",
            "sectionId": 85,
            "answers": {
                "answerName": "NO",
                "topicId": 109
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