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adding sequence number to a dataframe


I have added a new column seq_col containing unique sequence using

  val df2 = dfFromRDD1.withColumn("monotonically_increasing_id", monotonically_increasing_id())
  val window = Window.orderBy(col("monotonically_increasing_id"))
  val df3_consecutiveval = df2.withColumn("seq_col",row_number().over(window)).drop(col("monotonically_increasing_id").show()


col1  col2 seq_col
a    aa   1
b    ff   2
c    rr   3
d    yy   4
e    tt   5

Now I want to add values to that new column in dataframe which will have data based on start and increment values specified like below example

Ex: Start = 100 increment = 3


col1  col2 seq_col
a    aa   100
b    ff   103
c    rr   106
d    yy   109
e    tt   112 

CodePudding user response:

You can define a udf that is responsible to calculate the id with the given logic, for instance in this case:

val step = 3 // increment 3 by 3
val startOffset = 100 // you want it to start with 100
val calculateId = udf((rowNum: Int) => startOffset   (rowNum * step))

df.withColumn("seq_col", calculateId(row_number().over(window))

This worked for me using some random dataframe.

CodePudding user response:

The above answer is technically correct, but you should avoid using udfs whenever possible for performance reasons. This case is so simple that basic arithmetic will do the trick:

scala> val df = Seq(("a", "aa"), ("b", "ff"), ("c", "rr"), ("d", "yy"), ("e", "tt")).toDF("col1", "col2")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col1: string, col2: string]

scala> val start = 100
start: Int = 100

scala> val increment = 3
increment: Int = 3

scala> df.withColumn("seq_col", monotonically_increasing_id() * increment   start).show
 ---- ---- ------- 
 ---- ---- ------- 
|   a|  aa|    100|
|   b|  ff|    103|
|   c|  rr|    106|
|   d|  yy|    109|
|   e|  tt|    112|
 ---- ---- ------- 

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