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PB how to define the up and down move fast and health? Urgent urgent!!!!!!!!!!


I'd like to add a program using the keyboard up and down, in the pb menu definition didn't see the two health! So I don't know how to define? Please expert advice,
I thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
QQ: 634287660

CodePudding user response:

I just tried, no effect: the PageDown or PageUp set menu shortcuts, have no reaction,

I set of method is: Edit Source, find the menu items, the menu item is set to add: this. Shortcut=33 (PageUp virtual keys),
Other key, this set is ok, after but the two key!

CodePudding user response:

Possible, I will give you a piece of code, you will ponder will understand how to write, in DW custom ue_keypress an event, event ID: pbm_dwnkey

//DW key trigger window
//note: F1 to F4 is reserved function keys

The window lw_parent

If the Key=KeyF5! The or Key=KeyF6! The or Key=KeyF7! &
The or Key=KeyF8! The or Key=KeyF9! The or Key=KeyF11! The or Key=KeyF12! The or Key=Keyescape! Then
Of_getparentwindow (lw_parent)
Lw_parent. Event key (key, keyflags)
End the If

//around with the arrow keys to achieve the Tab before and after the function of the mobile

The Integer VK_TAB=09
The Integer VK_SHIFT=16

If ib_arrowenable Then
If the Key=KeyLeftArrow! Then
Keybd_event (VK_SHIFT, 0, 0)//pressing shift
Keybd_event (VK_TAB, 0, 0)//press TAB
Keybd_event (VK_TAB, 0, 0)//release TAB
Keybd_event (VK_SHIFT, 0, 0)//release shift
Return 1
End the If

If the Key=KeyRightArrow! Then
Keybd_event (VK_TAB, 0, 0)//press TAB
Keybd_event (VK_TAB, 0, 0)//release TAB
Return 1
End the If
End the If
//simulation code table:
A 65 0 96 F1 112 Backspace 8
66 1 97 113 F2 Tab 9 B
C 67 2 98 114 Clear F3 12
D F4 68 3 99 115 Enter 13
E 69 4 100 F5 116 Shift 16
F 70 5 101 F6 117 Control 17
G 71 18 June 102 F7 118 Alt
H 72 7 103 F8 119 Caps Lock 20
I F9 Esc 27 120 73 8 104
J 74 9 105 121 Spacebar F10 32
75 * 106 F11 122 Page Up 33 K
L + 76 107 123 Page Down 34 F12
35 M Enter 108-77 - End
N - 78-109 Home 36
O 79. 110 - Left Arrow 37
P - 80/111 - the Up Arrow 38
Q -- -- -- -- 81 Right Arrow 39
R 82 -- -- -- -- the Down Arrow 40
S. 83 -- -- -- -- Insert 45
T -- -- -- -- Delete 46 84
85 -- -- -- -- Help 47 U
V -- -- -- -- 86 Num Lock 144
W 87
X 88
Y 89
Z 90
0 48
492 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor lionkings response:
can achieve, I will give you a piece of code, you will ponder will understand how to write, in DW custom ue_keypress an event, event ID: pbm_dwnkey

//DW key trigger window
//note: F1 to F4 is reserved function keys

The window lw_parent

If the Key=KeyF5! The or Key=KeyF6! The or Key=KeyF7! &
The or Key=KeyF8! The or Key=KeyF9! The or Key=KeyF11! The or Key=KeyF12! The or Key=Keyescape! Then

Well, in this way is good too!
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