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Who help me to look at the error in what place?


Int ls_bianhao, ls_age
The date ls_riqi
String ls_zygw ls_kehu, ls_sex ls_phone, ls_adress, ls_beizhu, ls_fangshi, ls_zhiye
Double ls_zzdj ls_spdj, ls_xzldj ls_zzmj, ls_spmj, ls_xzlmj
Ls_bianhao=integer (sle_1. Text)
Ls_riqi=date (em_1. Text)
Ls_zygw=ddlb_1. Text
Ls_fangshi=ddlb_2. Text
Ls_kehu=sle_2. Text
Ls_sex=ddplb_1. Text
Ls_age=integer (sle_5. Text)
Ls_phone=sle_3. Text
Ls_adress=sle_4. Text
Ls_zhiye=ddlb_3. Text
Ls_beizhu=mle_1. Text
Ls_zzmj=double (sle_6. Text)
Ls_spmj=double (sle_7. Text)
Ls_xzlmj=double (sle_8. Text)
Ls_zzdj=double (sle_9. Text)
Ls_spdj=double (sle_10. Text)
Ls_xzldj=double (sle_11. Text)
If sle_2. Text='or sle_3. Text=' or sle_4. Text='or sle_5. Text=' or ddlb_1. Text='or ddplb_1. Text=' or ddlb_2. Text='or ddlb_3. Text="' then
Messagebox (' prompt ', 'please complete customer data! ')
The else
Insert into LFDJB (bianhao riqi, fangshi, zygw, kehu, sex, age, phone, adress, zhiye)
VALUES (ls_bianhao, : ls_riqi, : ls_fangshi, : ls_zygw, : ls_kehu, : ls_sex, : ls_age, : ls_phone, : ls_adress, : ls_zhiye);
End the if
If the sqlca. Sqldbcode & lt;> 0 then
Messagebox (" error ", the sqlca. Sqlerrtext)
Elseif Messagebox (' prompt ', 'submit completed! ')=1 then
Close (the parent)
The else
End the if
//living area select
If rb_1. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='qinghe district where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_2. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='qingpu district where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_3. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set juqy='development zone where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_4. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='chuzhou district where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_5. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set juqy='in huaiyin district where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_6. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='jinhu county where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_7. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='xuyi where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_8. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='hongze county where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_9. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set juqy='lianshui county where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_11. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set juqy='rest' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
End the if
//home buyers to choose

If rb_11. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set zymd='self living where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_12. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set zymd='investment' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_13. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set zymd='self living + investment where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
End the if
///family needs to choose
If rb_14. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set HXXQ='homes where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
The update LFDJB set yxdj1=: ls_zzdj where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
The update LFDJB set ZZMJ=: ls_zzmj where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_16. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set HXXQ='apartment buildings where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
The update LFDJB set yxdj3=: ls_xzldj where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
The update LFDJB set XZLMJ=: ls_xzlmj where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_15. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set HXXQ='shops where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
The update LFDJB set yxdj2=: ls_spdj where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
The update LFDJB set SPMJ=: ls_spmj where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
End the if
If rb_17. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set RSTJ='newspapers' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_18. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set RSTJ='broadcast' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_19. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set RSTJ='bus stop' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_20. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set RSTJ='outdoor advertising where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_21. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set RSTJ='friends' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_22. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set RSTJ='passing' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_23. Checked=true then
Update LFDJB set RSTJ='message property suguo where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
Elseif rb_24. Checked=true then
The update LFDJB set RSTJ='other' where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
End the if
If mle_1. Text<> "' then
The update LFDJB set beizhu=: ls_beizhu where bianhao=: ls_bianhao;
End the if
If the sqlca. Sqldbcode & lt;> 0 then
Messagebox (" error ", the sqlca. Sqlerrtext)
Elseif Messagebox (' prompt ', 'submit completed! ')=1 then
Close (the parent)
The else
end if

CodePudding user response:

Error null object reference at line 37 clicked in the event of object cb_1 of w_lf

CodePudding user response:

37 line is which? I counted the along while, dizzy!
More dizzy, even is wrong also won't appear "code of a null object reference... "
Posting errors should not here, you play me?

CodePudding user response:

If there is a mistake, not necessarily line 37, PB has a disadvantage is that the error report the number of rows are not allowed to go to,

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