I'm trying to solve This problem in BeeCrowd without using a ton of if/elses.
It consists of reading 3 inputs from use, ex:
and outputting the correspondent word of those inputs.
I know more python than java, this would be my solution in python (which works):
dict = {
"vertebrado": {
"ave": {
"carnivoro": "aguia",
"onivoro": "pomba"
"mamifero": {
"onivoro": "homem",
"herbivoro": "vaca"
"invertebrado": {
"inseto": {
"hematofago": "pulga",
"herbivoro": "lagarta"
"anelideo": {
"hematofago": "sanguessuga",
"onivoro": "minhoca"
word1 = input()
word2 = input()
word3 = input()
word = dict[word1][word2][word3]
However I'm struggling to code a good solution in Java. This is my current Java solution (which also works):
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Main {
public static void main (String[]args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String word1 = new String(scanner.nextLine());
String word2 = new String(scanner.nextLine());
String word3 = new String(scanner.nextLine());
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> dict = new HashMap();
dict.put("vertebrado", new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>());
dict.put("invertebrado", new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>());
dict.get("vertebrado").put("ave", new HashMap<String, String>());
dict.get("vertebrado").put("mamifero", new HashMap<String, String>());
dict.get("invertebrado").put("inseto", new HashMap<String, String>());
dict.get("invertebrado").put("anelideo", new HashMap<String, String>());
dict.get("vertebrado").get("ave").put("carnivoro", "aguia");
dict.get("vertebrado").get("ave").put("onivoro", "pomba");
dict.get("vertebrado").get("mamifero").put("onivoro", "homem");
dict.get("vertebrado").get("mamifero").put("herbivoro", "vaca");
dict.get("invertebrado").get("inseto").put("hematofago", "pulga");
dict.get("invertebrado").get("inseto").put("herbivoro", "lagarta");
dict.get("invertebrado").get("anelideo").put("hematofago", "sanguessuga");
dict.get("invertebrado").get("anelideo").put("onivoro", "minhoca");
String word = dict.get(word1).get(word2).get(word3);
The obvious issue with that solution is that it's unpractical to populate the dict that way. The code is already big. If dict
had a lot values, with a lot of "depth", it will become a hell to maintain.
Is there a way to reduce it? IE, declaring and initializing dict
in a couple of lines?
CodePudding user response:
Use Map.of() as MC Emperor suggested:
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> dict = Map.of(
"carnivoro", "aguia",
"onivoro", "pomba"
"hematofago", "pulga",
"herbivoro", "lagarta"
Compared to using a json
file this also gives you type checking as you go, although to be really type safe you would want to introduce classes named Phylum
, Class
and Order
to wrap your Strings, instead of leaving values "Stringly typed".