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How to echo all the files inside the folder using bat file?


I have a bat file 'abc.bat'. When I will double click it,I want to see all the files being listed using echo that were inside those folders. I looked into the SO previous answers and tried to use them but it didn't worked.

My path is:


The folder 2022-05-31 has files inside it.I want those list of files outputted when bat file gets executed.

I tried some solutions:

@echo off
for %%i in (*.*) do echo %%i

Another solution was:

for /r %%i in (\\intranet.com\pit\tail\ger\ger\FTP\SMS\2022-05-31) do echo %%i

But instead of showing files of \\intranet.com\pit\tail\ger\ger\FTP\SMS\2022-05-31 it showed all the files in C:/ drive location

CodePudding user response:

The safest way to do this is to define the network target location as a temporary mapping first, then perform your directory listing.


@PushD "\\intranet.com\pit\tail\ger\ger\FTP\SMS\2022-05-31" 2>NUL || Exit /B
@Dir /B /A:-D

To look up each command, and how it works, please open a Command Prompt window, and type each of the following:

pushd /?
exit /?
dir /?
pause /?

As a side note, you could do it as a one liner:

@PushD "\\intranet.com\pit\tail\ger\ger\FTP\SMS\2022-05-31" 2>NUL && (Dir /B /A:-D & Pause) || Exit /B
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