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Powershell multiple IF statements


I am attempting to create a powershell script that can perform the following:

1-Filter by Get-Group on a device via an installed xml file.

2-Only perform the copy function if the group equals Get-Group.

So far, the only thing I've succeeded in having it copy the first or the last file, on an incorrect device. I believe you can only use 2 IF statements a single powershell script? If so, how would I achieve this result I am looking for? I've also tried ElseIF, Else, Switch, and WhatIF with no joy. I have also tried different arguments for the IF statements. -eq, =, -like, and -match. None of which seem to be overly helpful in this situation.

$ActiveFilePath = "C:\ProgramData\JKCS\jkupdate\jku.ini"

Function Get-Group
{$Group = ([xml](Get-Content D:\Tools\SystemInformation\SystemInformation.xml)).'system-information'.'device-group'}

If ($Group -eq "XXXXX101Master")
{Copy-Item ".\JKU Files\101\jku.ini" "$ActiveFilePath"}
If ($Group -eq "XXXXX102Master")
{Copy-Item ".\JKU Files\102\jku.ini" "$ActiveFilePath"}
If ($Group -eq "XXXXX103Master")
{Copy-Item ".\JKU Files\103\jku.ini" "$ActiveFilePath"}
If ($Group -eq "XXXXX104Master")
{Copy-Item ".\JKU Files\104\jku.ini" "$ActiveFilePath"}
If ($Group -eq "XXXXX105Master")
{Copy-Item ".\JKU Files\105\jku.ini" "$ActiveFilePath"}
If ($Group -eq "XXXXX106Master")
{Copy-Item ".\JKU Files\106\jku.ini" "$ActiveFilePath"}

CodePudding user response:

The assignment to $Group during the execution of your Get-Group function is not visible to the rest of the script. You could have the function return the value instead, and then assign it to $Group outside the function, like this:

Function Get-Group
{return ([xml](Get-Content D:\Tools\SystemInformation\SystemInformation.xml)).'system-information'.'device-group'}

$Group = Get-Group

Or, use a scope modifier in the assignment within the function to make it visible to the whole script:

Function Get-Group
{ $Script:Group = ([xml](Get-Content D:\Tools\SystemInformation\SystemInformation.xml)).'system-information'.'device-group'}


Or, if you don't need the function anywhere else, just directly assign $Group like this (at Script scope):

$Group = ([xml](Get-Content D:\Tools\SystemInformation\SystemInformation.xml)).'system-information'.'device-group'

See the help document "about_Scopes" (i.e. run help about_Scopes).

CodePudding user response:

I would change your Get-Group function somewhat to use

function Get-Group {
    # if you load the xml file this way, you are ensured to get the file encoding correct
    $xml = [System.Xml.XmlDocument]::new()

Then, if all your groups have the same format of "XXXXX" numeric value "Master" you could do this:

$group     = Get-Group
$subfolder = [regex]::Match($group, '(\d )Master$').Groups[1].Value
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($subfolder)) {
    $path = Join-Path '.\JKU Files' -ChildPath ('{0}\jku.ini' -f $subfolder)
    Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $ActiveFilePath
else {
    Write-Warning "Could not find a matching subfolder name in '$group'"

Otherwise, if the group names do not all have the same format, I would suggest creating a lookup Hashtable where you can match the group name with the path of the ini file

$lookup = @{
    'XXXXX101Master'   = 101
    'XYZ102Demo'       = 102
    '103Copy'          = 103
    'X123456789104Huh' = 104
    # etc.

$group = Get-Group
if ($lookup.ContainsKey($group)) {
    $subfolder = $lookup[$group]
    $path = Join-Path '.\JKU Files' -ChildPath ('{0}\jku.ini' -f $subfolder)
    Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $ActiveFilePath
else {
    Write-Warning "Could not find a matching subfolder name in '$group'"
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