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Behaviour of ifelse with purrr::imap for a list of vectors - dropping everything after first element


I am attempting to automate many of the tasks done when creating new shiny apps, by writing the needed code to files based on any given dataset. While creating code to be used as a starting point for factor levels, I have become stuck.

The idea is to gather all the unique values appearing in certain columns, and create character vectors from them that can then be altered as needed. The issue is that some of the desired levels span multiple columns, as more than one can be selected. I have managed to write almost working code, but it fails to behave as I expected at one point. The issue results in all but the first string being dropped when mappping a list of vectors. Sorry, it is hard to explain, hopefully you can see what I am doing below - and ask if anything is still not clear please.

### Starting point
data <- tibble(
  a = rep(c("foo", "bar"), 3),
  b = rep(c("baz", "zap"), 3),
  c = rep(c("yes", "no"), 3),
  c_opt_one = rep(c("c_one", ""), 3),
  c_opt_two = rep(c("c_two", ""), 3)

levels_meta <- tibble(
  column = c("a", "b", "c", "c_opt", "c_opt"),
  blah = rep(c("blah"), 5) <- multiple other columns, not needed here

### Desired output, with problem noted

# a_responses <- c(
#   "foo" = "foo",   <- only first entry kept
#   "bar" = "bar"    <- missing
# )
# b_responses <- c(
#   "baz" = "baz",   <- only first entry kept
#   "zap" = "zap"    <- missing
# )
# c_responses <- c(
#   "yes" = "yes",   <- only first entry kept
#   "no" = "no"      <- missing
# )
# c_opt_responses <- c(
#   "c_opt_one" = "c_one",   <- all kept as desired, but only because these
#   "c_opt_two" = "c_two"    <- come from single element vectors before combined
# )

### Processing code
level_names <- levels_meta %>%
  select(column) %>%
  group_by(column) %>%

multi_col_level_names <- level_names %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>%
  pull(column) %>%

single_col_level_names <- setdiff(level_names$column, multi_col_level_names)

levels <- lapply(data, unique) %>%
  lapply(setdiff, "")

levels <- map(levels, ~ paste0("  \"", .x, "\"", " = \"", .x, "\""))

# Problem occurs here - only first entry is kept.
# I did try replacing the FALSE arg with levels[[.x]], but same result.
levels <- imap(levels, ~ ifelse(length(.x) == 1, str_replace(.x, "\\w ", .y), .x))

# Rest of code does work, including in case anyone could suggest a more efficient way

multi_col_levels <- map(
  function(prefix) levels %>%
    keep(startsWith(names(.), prefix)) %>%
    set_names(str_replace(names(.), names(.), prefix))
) %>% squash()

multi_col_levels <- map(
  ~ unlist(multi_col_levels[names(multi_col_levels) == .], use.names = FALSE)

levels <- c(levels[single_col_level_names], multi_col_levels)
levels <- map(levels, ~ paste0(.x, collapse = ",\n"))
levels <- imap(levels, ~ paste0(.y, "_responses <- c(\n", .x, "\n)"))

paste_lvls <- function(out, input) paste(out, input, sep = "\n\n")

levels <- levels %>% reduce(paste_lvls)

CodePudding user response:

My suggestion is to keep it more simple than your imap/ifelse-solution. The problem should be relatively small, so a simple for loop can solve it with less hassle and more clarity (given that the rest of code does what you want):

for (eachlevel in names(levels)) {
  if(length(levels[[eachlevel]]) == 1) {
    levels[[eachlevel]] <- str_replace(levels[[eachlevel]], "\\w ", eachlevel)

CodePudding user response:

I am not sure if the approach below is what you are after:


levels_meta$column %>% 
  unique %>% 
  set_names(., paste0(., "_response")) %>% 
  map(. ,
      ~ {
      dat <- select(data, starts_with(.x) & ends_with(.x))
      if(length(dat) == 0) {
          dat <- select(data, starts_with(.x))
      if (length(dat) == 1) {
      } else if (length(dat) > 1) {
          map(dat, ~ unique(.x[which(.x != "")]))
      } else {
#> $a_response
#>   foo   bar 
#> "foo" "bar" 
#> $b_response
#>   baz   zap 
#> "baz" "zap" 
#> $c_response
#>   yes    no 
#> "yes"  "no" 
#> $c_opt_response
#> $c_opt_response$c_opt_one
#> [1] "c_one"
#> $c_opt_response$c_opt_two
#> [1] "c_two"

Created on 2022-06-02 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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