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Gathering pace into data, data: words include specific words and frequency;

(2) the size, font size, the default is 1, in general the smaller the value, the shape of the generated profile, the more obvious;

(3) fontFamily: fonts, such as' Microsoft jas black;

(4) fontWeight: font weight, including 'normal', 'bold' and '600';;

(5) color: font color, can choose 'random - dark' and 'random - light', is actually color fastens;

(6) backgroundColor: background color, support the R in the language commonly used color, such as' gray ', 'blcak', but also supports more specific color selection, such as' gray20;

(7) minRontatin and maxRontatin: font rotation Angle range of minimum and maximum is selected, fonts within the scope of the random rotation;

(8) rotationRation: font rotation ratio, such as set to 1, then all words occur rotating;

(9) shape: word cloud shape choice, the default is a "circle", that is round, you can also choose to "cardioid" (apple or heart-shaped), 'star (star),' 'diamond (diamond),' 'triangle - forward (triangle), "triangle" (triangle),' the pentagon '(the pentagon);