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Pass properties but make exceptions in React


There is something common that sometimes we all do. Wrap dom elements in custom components

<CustomComponet id="abc" title="abc" nonDomProp="abc" ...andsoforth />

Custom component in this example wraps button which has the properties id and title but not nonDomProp so I get a warning which makes sense because nonDomProp doesn't exist in the wrapped button DOM element and I am just passing all props to the button DOM element with the spread operator <button {...props} />

One way to solve this is by manually passing only the props that button will use, but I was wondering if there is a way to tell the spread operator to use all the passed ...props but to ignore nonDomProp.

I have tried to do a Google search and I have not been able to find what I am looking for so I thought maybe SO would point me in the right direction.

CodePudding user response:

You can destructure the props object with this:

const { nonDomProp, ...propsButton } = props;
 <button {...propsButton} />

Or directly from the argument of the CustomComponent function:

const CustomComponent = ({ nonDomProp, ...props }) => {
 <button {...props} />

Docs: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread#rest-properties

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