Home > database >  Pray god help cannot be read from the product listing oracle12c about home directory list.
Pray god help cannot be read from the product listing oracle12c about home directory list.


Information: Using paramFile: D: \ \ winx64_12102_database_1of2 \ oracle database \ install \ oraparam ini
Information: Checking the monitor: must be configured to display the at further 256 colors. The Actual Passed 4294967296
Information: The commandline for unzip:
Information: D: \ \ winx64_12102_database_1of2 \ oracle database \ install \ unzip - qqqo. \ stage \ Components \ oracle JDK \ \ \ DataFiles/1 "*. Jar" 3-d "C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ OraInstall2017-03-18 _02-31-50 PM"
Information: environment variables:

Information: ORACLE_HOME=

Information: the PATH=C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ OraInstall2017-03-18 _02-31-50 PM \ ext/bin; C: \ Users \ lenovo \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ OraInstall2017-03-18 _02-31-50 PM \ ext/lib. D: \ app \ root \ product \ 12.1.0 \ dbhome_2 \ bin; C: \ ProgramData \ Oracle \ Java \ javapath; D: \ tomcat \ apache tomcat - 8.0.26 \ lib. D: \ tomcat \ apache tomcat - 8.0.26 \ bin. C:\WINDOWS\system32; C:\WINDOWS; C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem; C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \; C: \ Program Files \ (x86) ATI Technologies \ ATI ACE \ Core - Static; C: \ Program Files \ MySQL 5.6 \ bin \ MySQL Server; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ JDK \ bin. C: \ Program Files \ Java \ JDK \ jre \ bin.

Information: the CLASSPATH=. C: \ Program Files \ Java \ JDK \ lib \ dt jar; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ JDK \ lib \ tools. The jar. D: \ tomcat \ apache tomcat - 8.0.26 - Windows - x86 \ apache tomcat - 8.0.26 \ binBIN

Information: username: 'AiJang

Information: Using oracle. Bali. Ewt. Olaf2. OracleLookAndFeel LookAndFeel

Information: Loading localized help from jar: file:/C:/Users/lenovo/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2017-03-18 _02-31-50 PM/ext/jlib/instdb jar!/oracle/install/ivw/db/resource/helpset/zh_CN/dbinstaller_help hs

Information: load driver

Information: Using default oui proxy mapping URL

Information: Loading proxy mapping from the jar: file:/C:/Users/lenovo/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2017-03-18 _02-31-50 PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1. 0.0 b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/proxy - the mappings. The properties

Information: Using class. Oracle install. Driver. Oui. OUISSHSupportManager as proxy for oracle.install.commons.net.support.SSHSupportManager

Information: Using class. Oracle install. Driver. Oui. OUIOracleServiceRegistry as proxy for oracle.install.com mons. Base. Util. OracleServiceRegistry

Information: Set the proxy the mappings to System. The properties

Information: the Initializing the OiiiInstallAreaControl

Information: Install area Control created with access level 1

Information: could not read home directory list, from the product list

Information: Logs dir C: \ Program Files \ Oracle \ Inventory/Logs

Information: Update the state machine to STATE_INIT_ENV

Information: [OiixOCMValidation getRepeaterEndPointsFromAgentHome] passing the agentHomes to getRepeaterEndPoints
Information: Creating a new Install area Control for this inventory session with the new access level 2

Information: Install area Control created with access level 2

Information: could not read home directory list, from the product list

Information: Ending the inventory Session
Information: Creating a new Install area Control for this inventory session with the new access level 2
Information: Install area Control created with access level 2
Message: could not read home directory from the product list list,

CodePudding user response:

Installed 6 times all the time, then the developer tip connection refused

CodePudding user response:

Because the two compressed files after decompression without feeling together

CodePudding user response:

Together, there is something wrong with the install complete or don't know why QWQ
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