Home > database > Oracle increased br statement "OrCertNo" this field cannot be normal group
Oracle increased br statement "OrCertNo" this field cannot be normal group
Select biz. "SoilUseArea", and "BuildArea," ba. "AcceptID," biz. "DoorPlate," biz. "RE_UnitNo," biz. "RE_SoilSeaCode," br. "OrCertNo," biz. "LayoutTypeName," br. "SoilUseTo," Max (ba. "AcceptID") The from gdrereg. "BizAccept" ba Left the join gdrereg. "BizHouseRelate" biz on ba. "AcceptID"=biz. "AcceptID "Left the join gdrereg. "MrSoilCert" br on ba. "AcceptID"=br. "AcceptID "Where ba. "AcceptID"='65432320170324000006' Group by biz. "SoilUseArea", and "BuildArea," ba. "AcceptID," biz. "DoorPlate," biz. "RE_UnitNo," biz. "RE_SoilSeaCode," biz. "LayoutTypeName," br. "SoilUseTo," br. "OrCertNo " Gdrereg. "BizAccept" one data, Gdrereg. "BizHouseRelate" four data, Gdrereg. "MrSoilCert" four data, Without br. "OrCertNo" the column, the result is 4 records, plus 16 records, this field is how to add this field can be achieved, the result is four records? [/img]
CodePudding user response:
select t. "SoilUseArea", "BuildArea," t. "AcceptID," t. "DoorPlate," t. "RE_UnitNo," t. "RE_SoilSeaCode," br. "OrCertNo," t. "LayoutTypeName", br. "SoilUseTo," Max (t. "AcceptID") The from ( Select biz. "SoilUseArea", "BuildArea," ba. "AcceptID," biz. "DoorPlate," biz. "RE_UnitNo," biz. "RE_SoilSeaCode," biz. "LayoutTypeName," ba. "AcceptID "The from gdrereg. "BizAccept" ba Left the join gdrereg. "BizHouseRelate" biz on ba. "AcceptID"=biz. "AcceptID "Where ba. "AcceptID"='65432320170324000006' ) t Left the join gdrereg. "MrSoilCert" br on ba. "AcceptID"=br. "AcceptID "-- where ba. "AcceptID"='65432320170324000006' Group by biz. "SoilUseArea", and "BuildArea," ba. "AcceptID," biz. "DoorPlate," biz. "RE_UnitNo," biz. "RE_SoilSeaCode," biz. "LayoutTypeName," br. "SoilUseTo," br. "OrCertNo "
Probably just want to do the two tables in front of the left after the matching correlation make subqueries, associated third table again
CodePudding user response:
Left the join gdrereg. "MrSoilCert" br on t. "AcceptID"=br. "AcceptID" why do I always run tip undefined column?? I see it properly
CodePudding user response:
I do not add group, I just left the join will be also prompted undefined column